2 : After The First

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Kartikey emerged from the library in a flurry, the school bell echoing through the air. The morning sun cast a golden glow upon the campus, spreading an aura of positivity. For Kartikey, this was not merely the start of a new day; it was the continuation of an amazing journey.

As he stepped into his 12th-grade classroom, a surge of anticipation washed over him. This was the final year of his school life.

They were already informed about the Arts Fest that is going to happen. This year, a district-level competition is also going to be held in their school. As second-years and volunteers, they need to organize the program.

When the third period ended their class teacher came taking all of the attention

"Dear students, you all know our Art's Fest is coming next month. After this period there is a meeting for the volunteers"

After the teacher left Kartikey looked his friends, his little bunch of craziness -

Ishaan Dixit, Arnav Mehta , Reyan Randhawa & Darsh Kaur

They all are in the volunteering team. They are the vibrant ones and especially their friendship, it is something that everyone adored.

Ishaan and Kartikey's friendship has blossomed over the years, from being mere schoolmates to close-knit brothers. Their bond is unbreakable, and they know each other inside out.

The group dynamic expands with the addition of Arnav, Darsh, and Reyan. Arnav and Darsh bring a touch of craziness and laid-back vibes to the group, while Reyan serves as the powerhouse, excelling in sports.

Despite their differences in personality and interests, the five friends complement each other perfectly, just like the five fingers of a hand. They may vary in size, shape, and abilities, but they remain inseparable, supporting and uplifting each other through thick and thin.

Their friendship is a testament to the power of diversity and the beauty of embracing differences. Together, they navigate life's challenges and celebrate its joys, proving that true friendship knows no bounds.

As their teacher said they all went for the meeting. The sections were decided. Kartikey & Ishaan in Program coordination and Arnav, Darsh & Reyan in Food & Decoration.



All are very much excited for the upcoming chaos



Days passed in the blink of an eye,

Juniors now adjusted, their spirits high. Seniors immersed in Arts Fest's grand design,

Programs charted, funds collected, a sight to define. Food arrangements, a culinary delight, Decorations blooming, a vibrant sight.

Two days remain, the countdown has begun,

Arts Fest's magic, a spectacle to be spun.

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