彡 after notes + final

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so i wanted to write a final note before leaving this book and this post is for anyone new to wp and or is planning to work hard on establishing themselves here { take it as a big sister advice } 

So here is a small brief guide for rookies

{ First start with a username }  : I always keep thinking about changing my user to ' woyehani ' ( which is I love you in Chinese but with Hani ) or something like ' kumabeom ' ( which sounds similar to kumawo or thank you in Korean or just kuma meaning bear in Japanese and Beom from gyu's name)  or simply honeygyu but ppulversed..? sounds pretty fine to me since it is my user now .

So be creative like the examples I listed here because you might not like something temporary in the long run.

{ Second } , your user display name or your pen name + your bio and profile display pictures. All of that matters but make sure you choose them on your own without any bias and actually like it. because you will be associated or remembered with those.

I actually went around studying my own behaviour for a while checking out people's profile -- I usually get lured by their user or like profile pic which mostly indicates which fandom they might belong to , check their bio , check their books , their reading lists and read some of their announcements in the message boards all in this order .

so yeah , it matters so please don't take it lightly and be honest with it , be creative with it , be symbolic with it , try to convey a much as you can in short brief description , keeping it long is not mandatory.

It's up to you to. But be creative , because first impression starts from you and next your books.

{ Third }  , make more mistakes or in other words try not to hesitate much to feel safe here. By that I mean not jumping right in to make friends and asking for validation , make yourself feel welcome about about dealing with not being validated or noticed.

This place is not lonely or cold. You just haven't tried and it's okay to not force yourself to try .

It's okay but please train yourself to be comfortable here . write cringe things but know when to stop , talk about your day , embrace your perfection , be basic , write clichè but be something you wanted to be.

Write something like you are a writer in the Renaissance , don't be fucking loser and write things carelessly and make other people feel stupid for working hard. Be decent , write bare minimum ( writing style , grammer and plot and content and spelling ) writing is a serious job , if you know .

Write something you would want to read.

And please don't feel lonely.

Don't do that to yourself please please please.

and its okay to ask questions and feel confused.

And it's okay to not be good at writing here , it's okay as long as you are willing to change and prove your purpose for choosing to write. As long as you love writing or reading here.

Lastly , writing advices may or may not apply to you and which doesn't is not a bad advice. So take them when you need them and drop it when it doesn't work.

++ finally ! All answers to my questions.

╰ save your work often because it's always on the risk of being taken out or being lost due to network issues , SAVE save save when entering something here in create page and do it when you have good network / only kissing scene is not under mature tag / add more tags in general and mature tag hours your book to a larger audience / marking your book complete also makes it more visible // try TRY try as much a you can / and yes you can edit your story as many times you want to

/ and no your updates won't be all seen even if people follow you and will ONLY be seen if they ADD your book to their library or reading list / your can post only three announcements per day on message board and it also has a limit (so don't post your story there ) // It's okay to not be heard for the first few days here / It's okay to not have flashy graphics / its okay to not read for while if you easily get influenced here / Its okay to not follow people here / It's okay to not have reading lists / It's okay to stop when you don't want to continue .

You are a writer. You create and only you can destroy.

And don't let any motherfucker tell you that you can't write .

love you from a distance. 


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