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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Cause I see sparks
fly whenever you smile"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


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-Gabbies pov-

As soon as practice is over, I head over to my locker and grab my backpack full of things I need for when I head over to Lynn's place strart our project. As I finish filling my bag with stuff, I close my locker door and get startled as I see a smirking Lynn Loud leaning on the locker beside mine.

"You ready to head to my place?"


"Oh Cmon! Youre just a scaredy cat!"

"Am not!"


As we walk out the school doors it starts to get silent and awkward so I decide to make some small talk on the way to her house.

"So.. whats it gonna be like? Ive never been."

"Well.. it's something.. It can get chaotic with 9 sisters and a brother."

I get shocked with her answer as having 10 siblings isn't really something you really hear everyday. "Wow.. thats.."

"A lot I know." She says with a slight chuckle in her voice "I love them though, like really love them."

"Thats nice"

"What about you? Got any siblings?"

"Nope, only child"

"Oh.. whats that like?"

"It can get pretty lonely, my moms at work all the time so I pretty much spend as much time as I can passing time with my friends in the day"

"And your dad?"

"Not in the picture.."

"Oh.. im sorry." After an awkward silence Lynn decides to break it with another auestion.

"Your birthday?"

"April 20. You?" I say as we approach a two story rustic looking house with a garage on its side and a big tree, bikes, equipment, and toys scattered all over the front lawn.

"April 9, Pretty close! Well this is my house.. hope you don't mind the mess its always like this."

"Yeah totally don't worry about it! It's fine"

We approach the front door and Lynn knocks on it. We get greeted by an older sister of hers whos dressed in a purple themed outfit who goes by the name of Luna. As were done getting intoduced to eachother, Lynn takes me upstairs to her room. In here I am greeted by a room which is half red and has a wall full of trophies and medals, which I'm assuming is her side, and the other half having a very dark and vampire-y aesthetic to it which I'm assuming is her little sisters side.

Just for you | Lynn Loud x Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now