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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

If you've been waiting for fallin in love
Babe, you don't have to wait on me

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


-Lynns Pov-

I get back to my room and sit on my bed, and in the corner of my eye I see my phone light up with a spam of messages. I grab it and as I look at my spam of messages( or who they were from) as I look around at my room checking to make sure no one is home. A light grin spreads across my face as I see no one nearby so I get up and shut the door and flop onto my bed and quickly type my response.

I can in a bit I just need to wait for Lucy to fall asleep
While watching tv downstairs to make sure she doesent
See me not in my room

Gabs 💗
I cant wait to get froyo 😋

LJ 😘
Yeah whatever

30 minutes pass by and I quickly change into my clothes, putting on my black hoodie with my red sweats while deciding to also put my hair down. I quickly sneak out of my room after checking one more time to make sure no one is up. I quietly close my door and creep down the stairs making sure I don't wake anyone up as I slowly head toward the front door making sure not to wake Lucy up and quietly close it behind me.

I walk towards your house as I look around seeing if I see any shadows or lights of the other houses making sure no one is awake because I do not want to have to explain why I'm sneaking out in the middle of the night. As I start to see the figure of your house, my footsteps become slower as my heart starts pounding. Like theres a different feeling to seeing her unlike all the other times we've snuck out. But nevertheless I take my seat on the familliar side walk and wait for her to come out.

After a few minutes of waiting I see her shadow approaching me. As you get closer I feel my heart start to beat faster as I start getting this feeling I know all too well in my stomach. I take a deep breath and try to stay still but I think it's obvious from my twitching movements that I'm extremely nervous and excited.

"Wow you actually came out on time?"

"Oh shut up Loud!"

"You know its true! Lets start walking?"


"Missed me I see" I say teasingly while being reminded of the conversation i had with Luan and Luna awhileago.

"In your dreams Lynn. Who would miss that attitude of yours exactly?" She then says obviously playing into the conversation.

"You" I say with a smirk on my face as turn to see her looking down into the ground with her hands in her hoodie pocket. Wait. My hoodie. Thats MY hoodie.

"Wait is that my hoodie?"

"OH! Yeah sorry I know I said was gonna give it back but like its really fucking cold right now.." She says but all I can focus on is how cute she looks even with a hoodie that might as well swallow her whole.

"Yeah yeah just dont ruin it" I say while giving her a grin that makes her give me a smile back.


It's about 2 am and all we have been doing is talking while sitting on the park benches after getting froyo. Kinda hard to believe its been 3 hours but it really has been that long. I mean its hard to focus when we really just spent our time laughing at the others silly jokes and making fun of each other.

As we walk with the cold night on the way home, I can't help but feel warm next to her and I manage to grab her hand. Surprising even myself which makes my heart beat faster. But she just looks at our hands and looks me in the eyes and smiles. Which makes my heart jump.

"So what do you think of our game on the 17th? Its your first game fighting for the RW team so surely you must be excited right?"

"Yeah totally! Just not that excited to fight against my old school I guess?"

I could tell the energy changed and how she slightly let go of my hand. So I held onto her tighter and continued.

"Yeah well trust me when I say that whatever happened to there won't mean shit when they see how well you'll play"

"Yeah if I don't fumble that is. I mean I'm not sure im exactly estatic to see my ex best friend." And when I look at her eyes I can truly see the pain she has gone through in a way shes never showed me before.

-Gabbies Pov-

This topic was truly one I didn't enjoy. I mean how can you really explain that your so called best friend turned everyone against you so bad that you had to leave your own town right? Even thought I told Lynn about it I don't think I can ever get over the pain of the betrayal and broken trust.

"So I guess whatever happens, happens then. Right? Watch me not even go to the game" I say to Lynn trying to lighten up the mood. Until she abruptly stops and turns to look at me.

"Hey you know I'll be there right? Always?"


"If ANYTHING happens on Sunday, you know you can just go to me and we can just walk out right?" She says to me with the most serious tone I've ever heard her while also having a look of pleading in her eyes.

"Wait what? Why?"

"This is your chance to show the new and REAL you Gabs. Your one chance to stand up to those bullies and show them who you really are. And I won't let you quit. I will stand by you and make sure you at least TRY."

I just stood there while looking at her with such confusion because why. Why would she do that? What!

"Lynn.. Why? Why do you even care this much?" I say with a chuckle and a genuine tone.

"You are truly one of the greatest persons I've ever known and there's no way I'm gonna let some bullies take over what you do or think when you deserve so much more." She then says while now holding both my hands and looking at me with a more genuine look.

"But why? Why do you care so much about me?"

"Thats the thing Gabbie. It's you. I'll do anything for you. Just for you."

Not really realizing how close we were or how it started to pour rain, I stare into her green eyes as she stares at me back. We start to lean in and she gives me a kiss that could light a million fireworks. Its a short soft and quick one before she pulls apart. But I quickly break the distance and get into a more passionate kiss as I put one hand on the muscle of her arm while she puts one of hers on the crook of my neck.

It was a kiss that could take your pain and all your breath away. As we pull away her eyes stare deeply into mine while playing with a piece of my hair.
And all I could think about were the million possibilities of things that could happen tomorrow and the days after.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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