Chapter 4 "The Arrival"

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To their surprise and delight they were informed that the Research Centre would send two cars to collect them on Friday evening, but that the four 'cows' weren't to be milked until after they arrived at the Centre as it would be easier that way than arranging a collection for their Friday night milk if they were milked at home. That was fine by all.

Jo giggled, "I wonder if they will milk us the same way as here, or if they will do it by other means. Wonder what being milked like a cow would be like, would be fascinating to find out, as long as they provide knee pads!"

Ellie agreed that might be fun, but the rest of us weren't so keen, preferring either the sitting or laying down positions for lactation. We just guessed we'd find out at the time.

Friday evening the cars arrived and we all piled into them, each carrying a small bag with toiletries etc, we had been informed everything else would be provided. As it was by now slightly late than our normal milking time the four of us were beginning to feel a 'little heavy' up top, though as none of us had ever leaked milk we weren't too worried by this, but wouldn't mind lightening the load. Thankfully the drive wasn't too long and we soon arrived. Amanda and Ali were invited to settle themselves in while the rest of us were milked, and we waved to them, and told them we would see them soon. We were led to the 'milking parlour' as the two young ladies who worked at the centre described it. It was certainly more impressive, and larger than our own modest set up, this unit could easily have handled 20-25 'cows' quite easily. Some units had beds to lay on, others had stools like we did at home, and others just had mats and knee pads supplied, we all looked at Jo when we saw these, and she blushed bright red, knowing what we were thinking.

"Well ladies, as there are only four of you here choose the position you feel most comfortable with, and we will connect you up and carry out your milking. And of course draw off your cream as well."

Faye and Ellie chose their normal position, sat on a stool, and were quickly connected up. I'd had a hard day at work, was feeling quite heavy with milk, so chose to lay down on a bed. They connected up my breasts in the normal way, and connected me up to a special pump so that the 'cream' would drop into the bucket below me as normal. Jo just couldn't resist the chance, put on knee and elbow pads and positioned herself on the mat, on all fours just like a real cow. She even let out a little moo, before ruining the effect by having a fit of the giggles!

We were now so used to the process that we barely noticed it, don't get me wrong, all the incredible physical and emotional sensations were still there, but it was now part of our daily routine we just accepted. An hour or so later we were finished, we dressed again and wen't off to team up with the others. Despite our horny arousal levels we decided to 'behave ourselves' as we had 'neighbours' that night, and we suspected the walls weren't too thick! But sticky vibrators were used that night, well they were sticky when we finished with them!

The next morning two of the research staff came for Ali and Amanda, and took them off for a guided tour, while the medical staff came for the other four of us. We were all taken off into seperate small rooms for our check ups so its probably easiest if I describe my own, and you can assume it was the same for the other three. Which as far as I know it was!

My nurse seemed friendly enough, she offered me a loose gown and asked me to strip down behind the screen and then just slip the gown on, come back out, and lay on the table for her, so I did just that. Taking the chance to look at myself naked I had to admit my breasts looked fantastic, tight and very perky. The nipples seemed slightly bigger than before, but I guessed that was just all the suction they were getting. And considering all the action my pussy was getting it seemed fine too as far as I could see. I had no idea where all the milk was coming from, but I liked the results on my body shape.

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