Can't We Just Be Normal For Once

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Kenma: Man i miss when it was less chaotic

Akaashi: Agreed

Oikawa: if we in the chat there is no normal

y/n: Chaos is my middle name lol

Semi: nah you just built different

Oikawa: damnnn

y/n: suck my non exsiting dick

Semi: nah i'm good

Kuroo: wait you have a dick you might wanna tell the coochieman

Kenma: im sorry what

Akaashi: i think he means Futakuchi

Y/n: Kuroo you have me rolling over here man

Daichi: what in the hell is this

Hinata: uh oh

Y/n: ayeee its daddy thick thighs

Daichi: Excuse me ma'am

Kenma: Futakuchi come get your girl

Futakuchi: Y/N!! there is things you can't say

Y/n: awe man its funny tho

Kenma: Can we just be normal for once

Bokuto: naw we speak chaos

Daichi: i see that

Kuroo: Well hello princess you don't talk much in the groupchat you miss alot

Daichi: and I think you missed a haircut appointment

Oikawa: Oh shit he came for the hair

Y/n: DAMN!!!!

Kuroo: aye man we don't talk about my hair Mr. Deadaichi

Bokuto: wow

Y/n: why are we choosing violence today

Futakuchi: idk but its entertaining

Semi: is nobody gonna tell him about how Kuroo called him coochieman

Oikawa: bruh i forgot he even said that

Futakuchi: whats my name now lol

Kuroo: Coochiman

Futakuchi: only y/n can call me that

Kenma: dear god why

Tendou: yall i lost my phone and i see this

Taichi: I thought I left the group but glad I didn't

Y/n: Taichi I was wondering where you went

Taichi: hey y/n

Kenma: plz tell me you speak human

Kuroo: wtf man what do you think we speak

Kenma: stupid

Oikawa: oh shit burn son

Kuroo: your not my dad

Tendou: ew dead meme

Taichi: agreed

Daichi: why the dead memes

Oikawa: deadichi your a dead meme

y/n: your flatass is a dead meme

Tendou: OH SHIT!

Y/n: Dammmmmmmn

Shirabu: why am I still in this

Hinata: hey its bull cut

Shirabu: Naw you thats Goshiki

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