Chapter 31

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"Where's Gabriel and Raven?" Katherine asked Kirill three weeks later during her lunch break. She was currently at Lake Baikal trying to enjoy the scenery but it was clear to Nikolai's right hand man that something was bothering her.

"They look perfect spots for you Altai Mountains, Mistress," Kirill said as his eyes scanned the scene. "Anton and Aleksandr with Princess she have ice skate lessons."

"She loves ice skating," Katherine forcibly smiled. "She is a quick learner. I'm glad she is able to learn how here, she never could back in the states."

"Why?" he asked curiously even though he was only half listening. With him being the only guard for her he was more focused on the location and the people surrounding them. "Nyet skate in states?"

"Sure but I never found a teacher that could handle Gabrielle's..." she trailed off as she tried to think of the correct word to describe her daughter.

Kirill chuckled, "fierce," he finished for her. "Da, she determine, stubborn, confident. Sure you nyet Russian, Mistress?"

Katherine shook her head, "Not that I'm aware of."

"Russian now," he said as his phone rang. "Sorry, Mistress, it Boss."

"Have fun with that," she said wiping her hands, "I have to get to makeup anyway. Kirill?" she asked as he answered the phone. He watched her and waited, "thank you for protecting my daughter and me."

"Always Mistress," he nodded, "Family."

She smiled then turned to look at the lady that had gently grabbed her elbow. She let the lady pull her over to the makeup station and sat down.

Just as the brush stroked her cheek, multiple pops filled the air. Before she could even open her eyes she felt something hard and warm cover her then the air was forced from her lungs as she hit the ground. "Nyet let go, understood?" Kirill growled as he pushed up onto his knees, pulling a gun from his holster.

"Da," she whispered as she instantly grabbed his free hand. "I promise, oh god Gabrielle!"

"We get her now," he growled as he quickly scanned the area. "On three we go." She nodded and took a deep breath. She watched as his eyes narrowed then breathed, "raz...dva...tri," she pushed onto her feet and followed him as he led her to the car. Yanking the door open, she dove inside the back as he rushed to the driver's side.

Hearing the tires squeal as he drove out of there, she pulled her phone from her pocket and tried calling Gabrielle but she was only answered with constant ringing. "Come on Gabby, pick up, pick up, pick up." Hearing her voice mail she hung up then tried calling Gabriel but got the same result. "FUCK!" She yelled as she tried calling Raven. "Come on, please answer," she pleaded as the continuous ringing filled her ears. "Fuck!" Tears slipped down as she tried calling one other person.

"We searching now, Daughter," Nikolai's voice came through.


"I on way," Nikolai promised. "Go home Daughter, stay with Kirill and Mother, I bring granddaughter husbands home safe, swear. Go home."

"Okay," she sniffled as she dug her nails into her thighs, trying to blink back tears. The car ride was filled with silence as her mind spiraled.

"Mistress," multiple guards addressed her as Kirill escorted her inside the mansion but she didn't hear any of them.

"Daughter," Anastasia gasped as she rushed to Katherine.

"Gabby?" Kat asked her tone turning to more panic as the moments passed.



"Gabriel," Kat whispered as she turned to the open door that led to the hallway. She took off running toward his cursing. "Gabriel!"

She ran down the hallway suddenly face planting into something hard losing her balance. Hand quickly wrapped around her arms catching her before she could fall.


"Gabriel," she gasped as she looked up into the darkest of eyes that could only belong to Raven. "Gabrielle–"

"Hurt but okay," Raven said so calmly that shivers cascaded over her. It wasn't a comforting calm coming from his lips but one of barely controlled anger.

"Gabby!" Katherine dropped as everything left her hearing that her daughter was hurt.


Raven swooped her up and carried her into the room where her eyes instantly found her daughter sitting on a chair with Sean bent over in front of her and Gabriel standing beside her, his eyes burning with anger and guilt.

"Angel," Katherine breathed as she left Raven's arms and fell into Gabriel's arms seeing blood dripping from her daughter and Sean. "What...Gabb–"

"Is fine, Katherine," Gabriel said, holding her up.

"Momma," Gabrielle sighed in relief the moment Katherine wrapped her arms around her. "I'm okay."

"What the hell happened?"

"We got the call that there was shooting near you so we rushed to Gabby," Gabe explained. "When we got there we saw her skating. Raven told Anton and Aleksandr what happened and I was watching her. She lost her balance and her trainer went to fucking catch her. They tumbled and her skate accidentally cut Gabby on her arm. It was a fucking accident but still, my fucking stomach–"

"Why were you screaming just now?" Katherine asked.

"She was fucking crying and my mind was fucking racing and fuck, I just had to get her to Doc," Gabe sighed as he watched Katherine fuss over their daughter.

She kissed the top of Gabby's head as she watched Sean finish stitching up the cut on Gabby's arm. "And that shooting?"

"Other rivals battling each other," Raven rolled his eyes. "Stupid idiots, Father speak to leaders."

Katherine looked at the group of men standing in the room, seeing their concern and anger clearly on their faces. Gabby wrapped her uninjured arm around Sean's neck and he pulled her into his lap, kissing her forehead. Corey wrapped a blanket around them and Katherine watched as each one gave her a kiss on her forehead. Katherine rushed over to Gabe and hugged him tightly, "Thank you."

"Course," he whispered into her hair. "She's ours."

"Yes she is," Katherine said, her voice cracking as she pulled back to look him in his eyes. "You were right, My Love, we belong together."

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