What just Happened?

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9pm came before we knew it. We had touched up our hair and makeup, now we were putting our money and phones in our bras. The last thing we need to do tonight is try to keep up with a purse. We check ourselves in the mirror one more time then give each other the nod of approval before walking downstairs to leave.

We walk down the sidewalk and when we're about half way there Maya says, "Guys this is so exciting!"

We all laugh because we know she's right. Manny says when we are almost there, "Ok guys we all have our phones so if something happens or we need each other we call one of us understand? I know we will try to stick together, but let's be honest we will at some point get separated so let's all be careful. Ok?"

We nod and we arrive at the Ravine where everyone is already having fun. Manny says, "Let's party!"

We laugh and scream, "Yeah!"

We walk a little further in when one of my favorite songs came on. I say, "Guys this is my favorite song!" They pull me to the dance area and we begin to dance together. I haven't ever really danced around other people before, but I just follow the girls and pick up on it pretty quick.

I was having so much fun dancing with my friends then I feel a chill go down my spine I don't know how, but I could literally feel someone watching me. I keep dancing and casually look around to see if I could figure out who it is. Finally my eyes lock with some very dark, haughty and beautiful brown eyes. I look away from his eyes to look at him he is tall at least 6'4, he has dark brown hair, he is built, and he is gorgeous.

I look back at his face and he is now smirking at me obviously noticing I checked him out. I blush and look away. My friends didn't notice my distraction so I just continue to dance with them. I feel someone's arms wrap around my waist I turn around to see a tall blonde curly haired guy behind me.

He was kind of cute and Manny was dancing with a guy too so I just went with it. It was fun dancing with him and the girls. Maya giggles and whispers to me, "He's cute way to go Alli! On your first time out too." We giggle.

Then suddenly I hear a growl that sounds like a wild animal and the guy I was dancing with is ripped away from me. I turn around to see what happened. The guy I was dancing with was unconscious and the guy I was checking out was standing there growling at him.

I don't know what came over me, but I place a calming hand on his arm. He tenses for a second then calms down he looks down at me and asks with a hint of an accent, "Are you ok love?"

I nod and say, "Yes, I'm fine. I'm Alli by the way. Mind telling me what just happened?"

He smirks down at me then takes my hand and places a kiss on it as he says, "Lucas..."

I giggle and blush. He then gets a very dark look, "And he shouldn't have touched you." Um who are you to make that decision for me?

That confused me, it's only then do I realize how quiet everything has gotten. I look around and everything has stopped and everyone is looking at us. With this realization I take my hand off his arm and take a step back this causes him to growl again. Emma ever my savoir screams, "What are you looking at get back to the party?"

Manny adds, "Turn the music back on. It's like none of you have seen a fight before." The music comes back on and everyone goes back to what they were doing. A big burly guy with long brown hair comes and picks up the guy I was dancing with and takes him away.

I look up at Lucas and he looks furious again. Four guys walked up behind him one says, "Lucas calm down." He then adds something to soft for me to hear. It seems like it was too soft for anyone to hear, but it is clear Lucas somehow heard him.

Alli's Dark SecretWhere stories live. Discover now