just like seeing her ,for the first time..again

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                          warning:before you read you must know this chapter contains major spoilers to all     Danganronpa games. this chapter is pg-13 ig for its language, and mentions of murder, violence, and this is angst but has a happy ending!

disclaimer: i for do not own danganronpa or any of these characters , in this chapter the charaters are aged 17 and takes place after the games ended.


hopes peak academy 

room 77-b

 8:36 am   

F u y u h i k o's point of view

"so today we will do"   .     .     that's all i heard from today's class and i was done. i just sat back in my  chair and daydreamed. i honestly could care less for school or any thing related to learning shit 

a few minutes into this boring ass lesson

someone entered the classroom "morning."" as soon as i heard the voice i knew it was.. "Peko! good morning!" said my teacher Mrs.Chisa 

i took a glance at Peko and saw she had her hair down with her regular  2 white little ribbons holding a part of Peko's hair on each side,her bangs were straightened and she was wearing the regular school uniform but without her normal tights she had leg warmers on instead. she looked so fucking pretty..

she walked to her seat and placed her stuff down and sat down and after  25 minutes the bell finally rang.. i stood up and got my stuff, i walked over to peko "hey peko" i said "oh hey fuyuhiko!" she responded with a smile and for those 3 seconds everything seemed fine un till i touched her shoulder "wh-" before i could even finish the word she dissolved into thin air.. the room was filling up with blackness "peko?" "PEKO" i looked around me in panic and fear.. What's going on... what is this?...

a screen popped out.. before i could say another word the screen turned on and a slideshow of peko came on, but not just any photos of peko.. photos of her death 

was this some cruel joke?! i started to cry looking at the photos of her body pierced with swords from her back..

 i could'nt take  it  then when it finished an audio came on.. 

it was her screams of pain from her execution and monokuma calling out the name of her punishment 


and our last conversation and finally her last words 

I bursted out into tears.the games.. the masterminds,monokuma 

the audio replayed and replayed and replayed AND REPLAYED ..

were just kids.. who would want to end the lives of inocent people?.. 

[I never needed a tool! I just needed you!] fuyupeko oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now