*Chapter 12*

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The five hours went by very quickly and yet everyone had fun. The drive back to the boarding school was quiet. Back at the boarding school they sat down at the big table in the consulting room. "I just got the confirmation that all the costumes have arrived. The only thing we have to do, is give a speech to the other students." Jisoo said. Again, the boys sat at the table with them and watched the seven girls as they continued to plan the motto week. Unlike last time, they sat quietly in their seats and made no comments. To the satisfaction of the girls, they were able to give their classmates the important information about the motto week through the loudspeakers. That was an effort of 12 minutes. Undecided, they sat around the table and waited for Jeonghan to speak. She went through the notes one last time to make sure everything was ready, and all the info was said. "Looks like we're done." She smiled at everyone. "Thanks for being so quiet," she turned to the boys, who only gave her a nod of agreement, except for Seungcheol, who was staring again. "You have free time!", she announced, and everyone got up relieved. "Come on Soonyoung let's continue with your training!", Jihoon asked the older one, who was about to flee. He looked at his friends pleadingly, but they quickly disappeared. Defeated, he went after Jihoon. He was glad that she hadn't thrown him out of bed in the morning. Happy too soon!!

Makneas (body shaming)

"What do we do now?" Samuel asked Seungkwan. Who was straightened her hair in the window. "No idea. We still have time until dinner and we have to get up early tomorrow." They were both still standing in the hallway, undecided, when Vernon and Chan passed. "Well, ladies, what are you up to?" Vernon asked playfully. Rolling her eyes, Seungkwan turned to Chan. "What are you doing?" she asked the younger one. "We wanted to explore a bit," he said, pointing to the window. "We're coming with you," Samuel said. Since no one had anything against it, they soon found themselves in the corridors of the main house. On their way they met a couple of students with whom Samuel and Seungkwan occasionally gave smol talk. "Why are so few of them here?" Chan asked, slightly puzzled. "Maybe because it's already half past four and some are still learning or getting ready for dinner," Samuel replied sarcastically. Samuel and Seungkwan showed the two boys the essentials before they set off on their way back.

When they were almost back in the schoolyard, they bumped into a small group of girls. "Oh, if that isn't Seungkwan." One girl laughed. With a sarcastic smile, Seungkwan turned to the girl. "Man, you've gotten even fatter!" She laughed scornfully. Her friends couldn't help but chuckle, too. "Nice to see you too. Mary. Shouldn't you have been expelled from this school long ago?" Seungkwan asked back. She didn't show the vulnerability. "You know that's not possible. I'm way too nice and rich too," she replayed. "The only thing you are, is a bitch!" Seungkwan hissed. "Oh dear..." Mary pulled Seungkwan to her and whispered in her ear. "I really can't understand what he sees in you. As fat as you are. You better lose weight. I can help you with that, but of course that has its price." She grinned. Mary looked flirty at Vernon who just stabbed her with looks. "Let's...go," Samuel stuttered. "Oh Samuel. I'm just talking to your good friend. Oh, and while I'm with you..." Mary looked down her body at Samuel with a skeptical look. "You better lose weight too. Your Unnies are a very bad example you know? And..." she couldn't get any further. Seungkwan had slapped her. "I don't care who your parents are!! You can insult me all you want but you won't talk shit about my friends.!!" she growled. Mary looked fearfully into Seungkwan's shining eyes. "I will make sure that you are expelled from school." With these words she pulled the younger ones behind her. "Come on, she's really not worth it." She growled.

"Jeonghan Mary has been insulting Seungkwan again," Samuel said at the dining table. "Hey, you shouldn't snitch!" Seungkwan hissed and pushed the younger one under the table. But it was too late. Five glowing pairs of eyes fixed on the two. The mood was turned 180° into the negative. "What did she do again?" Jisoo asked angrily. "The usual," Seungkwan replied, crossing her arms. Jeonghan eyed her intently. "After dinner, to my room!" she said and got up. "But Jeo...", "No buts!", she said and went up the stairs to her room. "See what you've done again?" Seungkwan growled at Samuel. She just shrugged her shoulders. "Now who is this, Mary?" Jun asked cautiously. "This bitch has been after Seungkwan all along. She picks fights wherever she can. When she found someone, she body shamed them until they lay on the floor crying. She had also run for Student Council with Jeonghan. She lost. And apparently, she still can't deal with it." Wonwoo hissed through gritted teeth. "I hope we get her from school." The boys looked at the girls in surprise. They didn't think they would have such problems. The first impression they had of the school was, that it was a model school with no problems and loyal/ respectful students. Apparently, appearances are clouded.

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