Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

It was around 5 in the afternoon when I'd been receiving nonstop phone calls and text messages. I already know who it was and fuck me for not muting my phone before heading to bed earlier this afternoon.

I spent all night playing Zelda and decided to call it a day at around 2 PM, but Suguru wouldn't let me sleep. He has been calling me since 4 PM and I was too lazy to get up from my futon and go to my computer desk to turn my phone off or mute it.

"Just leave me alone," I yelled to no one in particular as I placed my pillow over my head to block out the ringing noise but it was no use, he wouldn't stop contacting me!

A deep sigh escaped my lips before getting out of bed to answer the damn call,

"The fuck do you want?!" I spat bitterly at Suguru who chuckled from the other line,

"Good day to you too, princess. Did you forget, you're dropping by the restaurant today," Suguru reminded me, ignoring the fact that I was fuming in anger because he was disturbing my sleep,

"I didn't forget, I just didn't want to go," I told him,

"Well, you have to, Shoko said she wants to talk to you," Suguru pointed out, "Or do you want me to pick you up from your house?"

"No!" I harshly replied, "I'm on my way, just stop coming to my house," I told him then quickly ended the call, I didn't bother to wait for his response.

I didn't know if I was supposed to dress up for the occasion but I ended up deciding not to. I'm only going because Suguru pestered me into going, I don't need to look good for him or for anyone I don't care about. I don't need to impress him or his friends.

Anywya, for some reason, I had a bad feeling about going and I really didn't want to drop by his stupid restaurant but I know for a fact that Suguru wouldn't let me live in peace if I didn't come.

I just don't think Satoru and I would get along,

Maybe if it was just Shoko going then I wouldn't dread it this much, but Satoru always has to be there with them, he is their best friend after all.

It wasn't always like this, Gojo Satoru and I were really good friends back then, he was practically my second boyfriend without the intimacy part. It's just that our friendship went downhill along with my relationship with Suguru and ever since then, there has been beef between us.

"This is a waste of my time," I groaned to myself as I grabbed my camera and my coat from my messily stuffed luggage and bolted to Suguru's restaurant. 

It took me around 30 minutes to get to Suguru's place and the moment I entered I was greeted by the man himself.

"Took you long enough, princess," Suguru teased as he handed me a glass of iced tea.

"Don't call me that," I hissed at him as he gestured for me to follow him to an empty booth, "Where's Shoko?"

"Shoko had an emergency home visitation with one of her patients, Satoru said he'll pick her up and they'll drop by together," Suguru informed me, I couldn't help but let out an annoyed sigh. So it's just the two of us for now. "Don't be like that, you used to love it when it's just the two of us,"

"Used to," I repeated, "Stop bringing up the past, it's called 'the past' for a reason" 

"Right, sorry," He playfully raised his hands up gesturing to surrender, "I'm sorry about the engagement party,"

"Still talking about the past," I groaned in annoyance as I was reading the menu,

"But I meant what I said, I really do, you might not believe me now but I promise I'll spend the rest of my life proving it to you," Suguru continued despite my warning, 

Hikikomori [Geto Suguru - Jujutsu Kaisen] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now