Sleepwalk, Sheds and Spring Rolls

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Elk twitches a little and blinks his eyes open seconds before his alarm goes off. It takes a moment for the sleep to leave his mind, but by the time it does, his clock rings for only a millisecond before he taps it off, hoping he didn't disturb his friend's sleep; he's just as considerate when he also sits up carefully without shuffling the blankets on your side of the bed. He stretches his arms a little before getting up to grab his work clothes, which are neatly folded by the nightstand. Elktaur is a tidy guy who like to keep his habitable spaces clean and organized which means he frequently picks up anything he drops or falls out of place, so when he felt his hooves step something squishy he immediately assumes it's a pillow or a forgotten knickknack of yours as he retrieves his hoof, the bedroom is too dark to make out what the mysterious object is (and he already isn't fond of waking you up earlier than necessary so turning on the light isn't an option).

Elk attempts to sidestep and avoid the object, but it was larger than expected, and his hoof came into contact with an unknown object a little more harder than a soft pillow, he taps it a few more times with his hoof to try and guess what it is but all he receives in exchange is a low groan. It's then that he realized this wasn't a forgotten object on the floor, but rather his human friend wrapped around blankets. "Oh deer, not again... Sorry!" Elk laments as he turns on the lamp to confirm his suspicion.

So much for trying to not wake you up.

He soon helped you up and told you to go back to sleep but you refused and decided to company him to the kitchen table as he prepared himself for work. Your eyes strain to stay open as the remnants of your restless sleep cloud your mind, causing your body to sway gently back and forth on the kitchen table even though you are sitting down. Even in this state, you miss Elktaur placing the warm mug in front of you, the steam and aroma of coffee tickling your nostrils. "Thanks," you say, taking large gulps of the drink in the hopes of waking up faster. From behind his own cup, he gives you a worried look and leans against the countertop, saying, "No problem... You know, if i kick you in my sleep you can tell me. I won't get mad, maybe I'll be a little embarrassed maybe, but hey that's on me."

It's not a good time to grimace but you can't help it because you realized too late that you didn't add sugar to your drink, wiping the remnant from the corner of your mouth as you respond. "Elk, I would have softball-sized bruises if you had been kicking me while I sleep. It's not you; I've just been having trouble sleeping that's all." You passed your mug back and forth casually as if it were a minor hiccup, while Elktaur sets aside his mug in favor of laying his palms on the table, signaling that he thinks you aren't taking the problem as seriously as he is. "Well, that still doesn't take away from the fact you're not getting enough sleep and believe it or not but insomnia isn't something I wish on anyone, especially a close friend. I think you would benefit from having your own personal space if you're gonna stay here, it's the least i can do."

Just as he expected, you ignore the main issue respond with a taunt. "Oh? And what makes you think I'll be living here from now on?" you brought up with a lopsided grin.

Elk has grown more than used to his housemate's antics, placing a hand under his elbow and the other raises itself to his mouth like a sassy housewife. "Because I don't see you going back to your trashtaur friend, or are you planning to move back with your horse friend instead?" he asks, mirroring your smile as he covers it by sipping his coffee.  You scoff at him; it appears that your worst vices are rubbing off on him. "Touché." You narrow your eyes as you take another sip of your bitter coffee, wincing again from the taste. As you weigh the offer, you take a look around his small cottage house. However, as you ponder having your own room, it's difficult to see yourself in a space other than the living room or the kitchen cupboard. "No offense El, but there's barely enough space in your man cave for the two of us let alone another mattress." You spat the facts and are absolutely correct in your assumption. When he first moved in, this place was ideal for a single bachelor like him, so the idea of sharing never really crossed his mind, but that doesn't stop him. Elk looked around too, but his own eyes fell on the occupied room opposite to the kitchen and beyond the little nook that was the living room. "Easy, you can take my workshop." he suggests.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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