Chapter 1

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When my stepmother, the queen, told me that a prince was coming to the castle I wasn't surprised. After all, princes come to the castle all the time, usually to ask for one of my stepsister's hand in marriage.
They never ask me, though. With my brown hair, green eyes and slightly chubby body I'm not exactly known for my beauty - which my stepsisters points out daily.

So I don't really pay attention as my stepmother goes on and on about this prince that's coming. After all, he's not here for me so why should I bother? Instead, I'll do what I usually do, and stick to myself until one of my stepsisters (which you know they will) rejects the prince and he leaves again.

Like I said, I don't exactly expect to see much of the prince. That's why when the prince finally arrives at our castle I get the shock of my life. He's absolutely gorgeous. He's got blond hair and the most intense blue eyes I've ever seen. He's tall, with broad, strong shoulders, a lean waist and powerful thighs. All in all, he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

I'm standing slightly behind my stepsisters as my stepmother introduces them to the prince. When she doesn't look like she's going to introduce me I'm not surprised. People usually don't notice me, so when the prince steps forward and asks who I am, I'm caught completely off guard.

Finally I manage to choke out a reply:

"B-Brier Rose," I stutter.

"Brier Rose," he repeats while he raises my hand to his lips, all the while his eyes never leaves me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He says and kisses my hand.

It's like I've turned liquid on the inside. I may never wash my hands ever again! I can't believe a man - the most handsome man I've ever seen - volutarily kissed my hand. My mind is reeling, while pure chok blazes through my nervussystem.
He's beautiful and kind, and I think I might love him already.

My stepmother quickly takes charge of the situation, and soon the prince is occupied by my two stepsisters, who are practically jumping all over him. They simper coquetishly, blinking up at him looking for all intents and purposes like they're about to have a seasure. I think my breakfast might make a swift and violent reappearance if I'm forced to watch much more of this.

Fortunately I'm pushed to the side where I stand dumbfounded. No one has ever paid attention to me over my stepsisters before. I don't know if he was just trying to be kind, but I do know that this is a moment that I'll never forget.

I'm in the garden, tending to my roses and dreaming about the prince. Since that moment when we met we haven't spoken to each other, but all throughout dinner last night I felt his eyes on me. I don't know why he's staring at me like that - like I've said - I'm no beauty. But I'm hoping against hope that he's feeling the connection that I'm feeling.

Suddenly I feel a shadow fall over me. Confused I look up (no one ever bothers me when I'm in the garden) and my jaw drops when I see who it is. It's the prince.

"Uhm... Hi..." I choke stupidly.

"Hi." He smiles. His smile is dazzling. And I've never felt more selfconsious in my life
"May I join you?"

"O-of course," I stutter.

He squats down beside me.

"Do you enjoy gardening?" He asks me, still smiling, his blue eyes kind.

"Yes, I-I love roses..."

"Hence the name Brier Rose."

I nod, blushing.

"It's beautiful," he mumbles to me and I feel my heart beating faster.

He watches me as I cut the roses with trembling hands and afterwards he asks me to show him around the garden. We don't talk much, just enjoys each other's company. But I do learn that he loves riding horses, that his father taught him fencing when he was seven, that he's an only child and that his name is Ethan.

And the more time I spend with him the more I fall in love with him.

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