💗☁️| Photograph

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( This is supposed to be a scene from a book I am working on, but unfortunately, I had to scrap it. )

The day before, the hallway was empty, school ended an hour ago. Everybody was already home. The only ones left were the boys from soccer practice, and Luke was one of them. They were planning on going out to eat with the coach, but due to other schedules, Luke couldn't come.

Luke was waiting for his driver to pick him up, so he walked through the empty hallway. It looked different without anybody surrounding it. The rays of sunlight flash through the window, making the hallway a beautiful orange. He glided his hands letting them gracefully touch the lockers following the little lines and bumps. He felt relaxed.

The steps he takes are way slower, as he hummed a memorable tune in his head. He was paying attention to the little qualities and details the locker had. The characteristics and the colors, it's something nobody looks into while they pass and interact with them.

He stopped, pulling out his camera. He felt the urge to take a picture of the scenery. He adjusted his camera. However, before he had the chance to portray the picture. He saw a figure walking closer. He looked through his camera to see who the person was. 'it's probably one of the boys from soccer practice' he thought.

He caught himself being trapped, still looking through his camera as the person's appearance looked clearer with each step they took. It was finally visible, a boy.

The boy was no doubt shorter in height than the brunette. He was wearing a dark-colored knit v-neck sweater vest with a shirt under it, with some gray trousers. His hair gently blew in the direction of the wind. His hair is a mauve ombre. The boy's skin is pale, with periwinkle eyes that were able to leave the brunette breathless.

The boy looked unreal to Luke, he couldn't help but click the button to take the picture. producing an image that Luke would certainly never forget. Luke slowly puts both of his hands down, looking into the portrait the brunette has taken.

"Excuse me?"

The voice startled Luke, he almost dropped his device. "Did you take a picture of me?" The boy tilted his head. "I'm sorry I was trying to take a picture of the hallway..."

"Oh, really? I'm sorry for blocking your picture!" The boy felt a sweat run down his forehead, slightly embarrassed. He started to walk away, in the opposite direction of where Luke was supposed to be heading.

"Wait!" Luke immediately pivoted seeing the boy stopping his movement. The boy turned his head back, weirded by the sudden yelp. "I, I was wondering if you wanted to see the picture" Luke stuttered, butterflies sickly jumping inside his stomach. He never thought that he could ever feel this rush before, he had never been so anxious or nervous talking to somebody at school.

"See the picture?" The boy repeated. "Oh, it's okay if you don't want to. I just thought it's the least I could do, since..." Luke gulped, looking for any sign of interest deep within the boy's facial expression.

"I guess that would be alright," The boy said, as Luke let out a breath.

Luke's heart raced as the boy walked closer. Fidgeting with the camera in his hands, with a mixture of nerves and excitement, He moved his hands slightly down to the boy's level. The boy leaned in to get a better look at the photograph.

The photograph on the camera's small screen displayed the soft sunlight going through the boy's hair, he wasn't looking at the direction of the camera, which adds up to a mysterious energy. The boy lit up, "I love it!" he breathed, his gaze fixed on the image.

"You're very talented," The boy complimented him, with a warm and sincere expression. A blush crept onto Luke's face, he couldn't help but reddened. "Thank you..." Luke managed to shyly smile.

"D-do you want me to... send it to you?" Luke uttered, he nervously curled his lips in, feeling his heart pumping within his chest. "Yes, please!" The boy warmly smiled, with his adorable dimples showing. The insides of Luke's skin were crawling, he struggled to reach into his pocket for his phone.

The boy dug into his pocket for his phone. His fingers gently went onto the phone icon, as he passed it towards the taller. Luke did the same.

The numbers were put in and they both returned their phones to each other. exchanging eye contact, Luke used the opportunity to admire the boy's periwinkle eyes. Luke suddenly felt a vibrate, a phone call from his driver. Luke couldn't help but frown.

"See you around?" The boy muttered, keeping the warm smile he used up. "Yeah! Of course," Luke replied, as both boys started to turn and walk away. Luke ran to the entrance of the school, the gate was slightly closed at the time.

He watched the familiar car pulling up by the sidewalk. He opened the car door and entered it. Greeting his driver in the process. He leaned his head towards the car window, as he watched the sky's hue turn into an orange-pink.

He cursed under his breath. 'I never got his name'.


873 words

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