Chapter 33 - Car drive

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I pulled the car door open and all I could think of was the pleading that this car drive would pass in silence. I knew they didn't like each other. Why the hell was I so dumb to put both into one car? I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes.
"Do you know where-", Jim started but was cut off by Jamie.
"I know where to drive, no worry." Even though they spoke in normal voices with each other, there was this strange atmosphere between them. And I? I lost them both.
"Thea are you okay?", I heard a voice that sounded like Jims. "Seems like she's fallen asleep."
Jamie sighed. "She goes through a really rough time." I knew what Jim wanted to say. This was the part where Jim spoke his truest words and I had the feeling they wouldn't sound nice.
"D-Do you still love her?" My eyes swung open from wondering, but I closed them as fast as possible to listen to their conversation again. Fortunately they didn't notice.
"More than I've ever loved somebody. But you're right-"
"Maybe I'm not", Jim chimed in. His breathing so fast as if it was something bad to say someone you made a mistake. "Maybe all this is happening because of me... again. And if someone should leave, then I'm the one." There entered a silence, which seemed to relief them both.
"I think Thea isn't sure about what she wants at the moment. I'm not sure she would be happy with me at all." Jamie sounded so hurt that I wanted to kiss him immediately. But then I realized again that he was the one breaking up.
"She is. Believe me", Jim half-whispered.
"What makes you so sure?"
"To be honest, I can't comprehend why she chose you. But maybe because", he trailed off and breathed heavy. "You're accepting her with all that takes part in her life. That's maybe the greatest thing you can do for her."
"You know, I just want to be part of the stage play, I don't want to rewrite the story." And that was the moment I saw the poet in him. In the one hand he was just this man who were once my boyfriend, but in the other he's all at once. Once more I felt a sharp pain in my stomach because I lost this fascinating person.
"Thanks for driving", Jim said and I couldn't believe this ride was already over yet.
I felt how they turned around to watch me sleeping.
"Shall I wake her up?", Jamie asked.
"No", Jim began. "Take her with you. For once I want to do the right thing. And maybe that's giving her into your arms." I thought he smiled. I hoped so. "I'm sorry Thea", he whispered and finally left the car. "Say her she shouldn't try to call me. I'm not going to answer. At least for a while. I have to clarify some things." I think Jamie nodded and then I heard the door fall close. Suddenly I felt his hand on mine and did something indeed really normal, but I didn't do it for a long time. I smiled.

I haven't got much words, I'm just happy about the headway in their relationship. :3


Freaks like us - Jamie Campbell Bower (Fan-Fiction) - Sequel to Freak like meWhere stories live. Discover now