Chapter 1 Vincent the Unlucky

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FYI: I will be posting only 2 or 3 chapters. if you can please leave feed back, i can take constuctive critisism. be kind.

From the very beginning, Vincent had it rough. He was born on October 22 in the Eastern Union, which is the most conservative of the Union of Mens Mudi. The Mens Mudien Union consists of the Southern Union, Western Union, Northern Union, and the Eastern Union.

The Eastern Union was one of the strictest parts of Mens Mundi the Southern Union was the most beautiful part of the Union, and the Western and Northern Union was known as the freest parts of the Union.

The rules of the Mens Mundi were...

Women have very little rights

Nobody is allowed to have a dog

Etc. (Etc. means a lot of other stupid rules)

Vincent was born to Charles Santorini (a raging alcoholic) and Rusia (Руся) Shevchenko. Unfortunately, Charles didn't like Vincent, he despised him (Vincent never found out why his father hated him so much) His father would beat him till Vincent was blue and purple. Rusya, Vincent's mother, tried to protect Vincent, but Charles called the government to report Rusia for disobeying her husband (a mortal sin in the E.U.). She died when Vincent was nine.

Living conditions in the Mens Mudi were abysmal: 80% of children were home schooled but didn't know how to properly read. The government didn't trust its people one bit, so they didn't even allow their people to communicate to one another. EVEN TO CHILDREN! But they weren't even being taught much since the population didn't even know how to read.

Vincent didn't read well, only at about a 4th grade level. Even if he was in school, he would be in the 7th grade. He also had bad handwriting (worse than mine).  

Vincent never thought that he would ever be something special, but little did he know what was coming.

(I'm kinda bad at writing beginings i promice that the rest will be better)

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