Chapter Fifty Five

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Chapter Fifty Five

He was sorry for my loss?

What loss? I hadn't experienced any loss whatwas he talking about?

Both men were silent as they watched me carefully but I didn't know what they wanted me to say or do.

"Leanne." Vladamir finally broke the stifling silence in the room.

I turned to look at Vladamir. "I don't know what he's talking about. I haven't lost anything or anyone."

"Leanne." Vladamir's tone was soft, almost gentle.

"He has the wrong room." I told Vladamir before turning to the man who was watching our interactions. "You're in the wrong room."

A look of pity flashed through the man's face before it became sombre.

"Is my dad okay?" I questioned the man who I presumed was a doctor. "Is he out of surgery?"

"Yes he is out of surgery." The man said hesitantly. "As I mentioned before, he-"

I know it was rude but I interrupted him anyway."When can I see him? When can I see my dad?"

The doctor looked over at Vladamir, his eyes full of concern.

Why wasn't he answering my questions? I wanted to see my dad.

"Leanne." Vladamir uttered my name for what felt like the millionth time.

"What?" I snapped. "Why do you keep saying my name?" It was bloody annoying and I wanted him to stop.

"Leave." Vladamir ordered the doctor who left as quickly as possible.

Moving away from Vladamir, I made my way back to the chair beside my mum and sat down on, holding my mum's hand again.

That man was strange. Why had he come in here to sprout off some nonsense? How was he a medical professional? Did they no longer to mental health screening in the NHS before handing jobs out?

Vladamir walked over towards the chairs but he didn't sit down.

"We need to talk." I didn't like the gentleness in his town, it sounded like he was talking to a person who was easily triggered.

"I want to see my dad." I informed him as I continued to stroke the back of my mum's hand. "Can you find out when I can see him?"

Vladamir crouched down beside me and grabbed my face, turning it so I was now looking at him. "Did you hear what the doctor said?"

"Was he a doctor? I think there was something wrong with him, he shouldn't be a doctor."

Letting out a deep sigh, Vladamir removed his hands from my face and moved it to my shoulder. "Snap out of it Leanne." He shook me with so much force that I almost fell off the chair.

"What the hell!" I yelled, dropping my mum's hand and trying remove myself from Vladamir's hold. "I was holding my mum's hand arsehole, you could have hurt her or pulled out any of her tubes!"

Looking over at my mum I was relieved to see that she was still resting and nothing had been pulled or accidentally removed.

"You need to listen to me." He moved his hands back up to my face so he could get my attention away from my mum and back onto him.

"I'm listening." Jeez, what was his problem?

"Your father's injuries were more severe than your mother's, they did their best but he lost a lot of blood. Do youunderstand what I'm saying Leanne?"

I nodded. He was more hurt than my mum which is why he was still receiving further help.

"So when can I see him?"

Vladamir closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. "I am sorry Leanne but your dad did not make it."

I was confused. "He didn't make what?"

"Listen to me." Vladamir's tone was filled with frustration. "Your father is dead."

I stared at him for a few seconds before giving him a look of disgust. "My dad was brutally attacked, how dare you make jokes about him?" I hissed, pushing his hands away from me and standing up. "You need to leave. I don't want you here if you're going to be like this."

"Leanne your father is dead."

"No, he's not! Stop saying that! Stop lying!"

"I understand that you are in denial, however, I am not lying." He tried to wrap his arms around me but I swatted them away like you do to an annoying fly that keeps buzzing near your ear and refuses to leave.

"You're wrong, he's fine. He'll just need more time to recover that's all."

"He is dead."

"Stop saying that!" I snapped as I pushed him with all the strength I had causing him to almost fall backwards onto the ground. "It's not true."

Vladamir steadied himself just as I ran past himtowards the door. He tried to grab me but he wasn't quick enough.

"I want to see my dad!" I yelled as I sprinted out of the room. "Where is my dad? I want to see him!"

My outburst startled the busy staff in the ward who all stopped and turned to look at me.

"Where is my dad? Can you tell me where he is?" I didn't ask anyone in particular, I was asking them all.

Two strong arms enclosed around my body from behind, locking me in place so I could no longer.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" I thrashed my body around in hopes of breaking free but it was no use, he was too strong for me.

"Calm down Leanne." Vladamir whispered in my ears and I continued fighting against him.

"Help! Help! Someone body help me!"Why weren't they doing anything? Couldn't they see he was holding me against my will.

The man from earlier launched forward towards us along with a woman who looked like she was holding some sort of needle.

"Keep her still." The stupid man from earlier said as he took the needle from the woman's hand.

"What is that? What are you doing?" My heart began to race and my body was drenched in perspiration as I saw the man getting closer with the needle. "Help! Help me!"

"It is okay Leanne, we are trying to help you. It will not hurt." Vladamir tried to comfort me, his warm breath caressing my ear as his grip tighten painfully around me.

"Fuck you." I tried to say as I felt the needle pierce my arm but the words didn't come out like I wanted it to and my world turned dark.


I entered the world of consciousness slowly, painfully slowly.

It was my hearing that came back to me first, it was like an incessant buzzing at first. I couldn't make anything out other than the buzzing noises but after a couple of minutes I could hear my surroundings clearly.

I could hear beeping and the sound of someone moving around, not close to me, just around the room.

It wasn't long before my eyes started to twitch slightly before I was finally able to open them. The harsh, bright light flooded my eyes and I snapped them shut again, letting out a groan.

"Leanne." A familiar male voice muttered close to me and I felt the soft touch of someone grazing my cheeks.

Opening my eyes the second time, I was greetedto the sight of Vladamir looming over me.

"Where am I?" I croaked out as I looked around the room.

"We are at the hospital." Vladamir said just as I realised where we were. "Do you remember what happened?"

With Vladamir's help, I got up into a sitting position and shook my head.

At first I didn't remember. I was unsure of why I was here and the reason behind it. Those couple of minutes of ignorance and bliss were shattered when I began to remember.

Going to visit my parents.

Lights were switched off downstairs, no response to my calls but they were home.

Turning the light on in the kitchen and being greeted to the sight of my mum lying on the ground and my dad slumped against the bottom kitchen cabinets.

They were covered in blood and there was so much of it.

The attacker was still in the house, he jumped out of the window and I threw a knife at him.

Vladamir comforting me.

Going to the hospital and seeing my mum on the hospital bed. Her face bruised and swollen.

A doctor coming in and...

I am sorry for your loss.

I am sorry for your loss.

I am sorry for your loss.

"Dad." I gasped out. "My dad."

"Shh." Vladamir wrapped his strong arms around me, drawing me into him.

"Please tell me its not true." I begged as I clutched onto Vladamir. "Please Vladamir, tell me it's not true."

"I wish I could but I am afraid I cannot."

"No." I sobbed into his chest."He can't be dead. He can't be dead."

I couldn't stop uttering those words again and again, my mind unable to accept the truth. It wanted to be lied to, it wanted to be told that my dad was still alive.

But there's only so long you can lie to yourself to, the truth will always prevail.

Unfortunately for me the truth would not only change my life forever, it would shatter my heart into a thousand little pieces too.


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

Poor Leah :( 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

I will upload again in a few days but you can read the full story on or on my subscription page on

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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