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I was sitting counting numbers when I hear footsteps approaching. I look up to see that it is a guard.

He comes closer to me I move back but I know I can't do anything there is nothing I could do to protect myself from them.

He approaches me and fishes something from his pocket and takes out a black cloth and leans down and ties the cloth on my eyes. 

Now everything is blank I couldn't see anything though there isn't much to see but I atleast could see what was going on. 

I don't know what kind of torture is this.

I was scared that this man would do something inappropriate to me. My breath quickens at this and I panic.

But I hear the footsteps retreating back to the door and I calm myself down at least he isn't going to do anything I sighed in relief.

But why would they blindfold me what is going on what are they going to me.

I heard footsteps approaching me 

The door opens and closes.

"Hello" a man says

I don't say anything 

I don't know what is going on what does he want. He isn't Igor and I don't think he is one of the guards who is he?

What is he going to do to me?

He comes to me and slaps me. I don't let a sound out my mouth. 

He doesn't do anything for a while he is silent. I can't figure out what he is thinking because of this blindfold.

He starts walking in the room 2 minutes later he comes again and starts to torture me but I can't understand why I have been blindfolded.

He starts with kicking me with his heavy boots all over my body.

He stops for a while and starts to whip my back saying

"It's all Steve Romano's fault you are here" he keeps repeating it while me whips me I was silently counting in my mind the number of whips landing on my back

After 20 whips he stops I was relieved thinking 'finally its over' 

"Its not over yet. Steve Romano sent you here and we will make you suffer" he says and stabs a knife in my thigh 

The pain was unbearable a tear went down my left eye wetting the blindfold

*The view changes*

I was in the basement

I was beaten and bruised blindfolded that man again in the basement

He starts beating me

"You were sent here by Steve Romano" he repeats 

I was blindfolded and I couldn't see but I could hear and I could register his voice and his scent

He tortures me a little by now I was used to this torture sessions. This man came here at least 5 times as far as I can remember I can remember his scent and his evil voice.

He starts to undress me I hold my breath bracing myself for his evil deeds.

He stabs my arm and cut my back slowly

 I wake up with a jolt looking around realizing I am in Alex's room I calm down, I look to my side and see Noah there I couldn't hold myself

I jump on him hugging him and telling him some parts of my nightmare. 

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