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I was sitting in Noah's room all day I didn't want to talk to anyone after I revealed a few things to Alex.

He left saying he had some work. Arthur left the room soon as his friend came to visit him and Noah is sitting engrossed in his laptop.

I was sitting on his bed staring at his laptop for a while trying to remember why this beautiful device looks so familiar to me.

"Can I see what you are doing ?" I ask him

He looks at me for a second and came to sit beside me with laptop in his hand. I smile at him.

I look at him and at the laptop for a second.

Codes. codes? how do I know these. I lean back and try to remember how do I know or what do I know. 

"Alice?" Noah looks at me worriedly 

"I am fine Noah" I smile at him and close my eyes trying to remember things. 

At this point I don't know what to do I am feeling helpless. I want to remember how I know this. I don't know what to do but I know one thing for sure I really loved this device. 

'But how?' a tear rolls down my eye

"Alice are you not feeling well? I am going to call Elijah" he says and was about to get up.

"I am fine Noah, relax" I try to calm him down which works a little

"Are you sure why are you crying then?" he asks 

"I was trying to regain my memories" I say with a low voice.

"princess don't strain yourself" Noah says but I didn't reply and was looking at his laptop.

*flashback *

A seven year old girl was on the streets all bruised and crying when she sat at a corner  hiding from the world, a shadow coming closer to her making her scared. Yes she was scared she knew the world isn't a good place specially when her parents treated her the way they did.

"Hey" the voice spoke making her look at the man who looked like he was in his teens  beaten up. 

"Hi" she whispered feeling bad for him.

"can you come out of there?" he asks in a soft voice.

I hesitate for a bit. " I promise I won't harm you in any way " he says

I come out of the place I was sitting at he gasps looking at my state.

"Are- No I mean who did this to you ? " he asks I don't answer him 

"My name is Santiago " he says forwarding his hand towards me 

I smile at him "I am Alice" I say and shake his hand

"Lets go treat our wounds" he says 

I shake my head 'no I don't want to go to hospital' I think

"ok then let's treat our wounds ourselves Alice" he says 

I look at him "How?" 

"You treat mine I will treat yours." he says

"can we do that?" I ask 

"of course sweetheart" I smile at him and grab his hand "ok let's go"

*flashback ends*


tears roll down my eyes I blink my eyes and look at Noah who was holding me in his arms he wipes my tears "did you get a  flashback?" he asks. I nod 

"I don't want to tell about it to anyone until I figure out what it was about" I say and  he kissed my forehead 

"okay" he says

I smile and break the hug he goes back to his laptop 

few minutes later there is a knock on the door. 

"come in" Noah says

Nate and Issac enter the room with a plate filled with food.

"Elijah was going to bring the food but we came as we wanted to spend some time with you" Nate says and Issac nods in agreement.

I smile at them they sit on the bed and keep the plate infront of me. I looked at the plate and look at them and shook my head. 

"were you crying?" Issac asks

I nod "What did something happen? did anyone say anything are you not feeling well? do you want to see a doctor? do you ant to eat something else? did-" he keeps on asking questions

"Stop it leave her alone" Noah said in a stern voice 

"Ok" Issac says looking at Noah 

"everything is fine Issac" I say

"Why were you crying then? Did Noah say something?" Nate asks

"No no he didn't I just-" I was saying while Noah interrupted

"You both can leave, if you don't want to leave then stop asking stupid questions. She is already tired" Noah looks at me  "Eat" he says

"I am not hungry" I say 

"come on princess we bought it for you to eat it from downstairs how can you reject food.. which was bought by your favorite brother" Nate says

Noah and Issac look at him but he ignores and comes closer and picks up the plate resting in front of me and brings a spoon of pasta near my mouth. I look at him for a second my eyes burning with tears. 

I open my mouth and eat the food he offers me silently. While listening to Issac and Nate who were sharing how their day went.

He hands me a glass of water. " I knew you would eat it" he kissed my head.

A yawn escapes my mouth listening to Nate and Issac fighting about.. I don't remember. I slowly lean back and close my eyes drifting of to sleep.

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