Part 7 - A Paper Message

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The class finally end, Cleo go home with her best friend, Ivy. While walking home together, the two of them still continuing the topic this morning.

"Wait up Cleo, when I think about it, that guy is actually not that bad.." Said Ivy.

"Not bad? How come? He bumps at me.." Said Cleo.

"But hey, he give you that bandaid.. He is kinda nice.." Said Ivy.

"Nop, he even say sorry just because I didn't walk properly, not because he bump at me." Said Cleo.

"Eh, but previously you said, he looks familiar.." Said Ivy.

"Yeah.. he did, but I can't remember when I meet that kind of person.." Said Cleo.

"How about his voice?" Ask Ivy.

"Only his mannerism... I already forgot his voice.." Said Cleo.

"Hm.. that's weird.. you remember you ever meet him before, but you forget when it is.. that guy also wearing a cap, and a mask.. Maybe you will meet him again very soon..?" Said Ivy. 

"Huh? Meet him again? No. Thanks. Once is more than enough. Anyway, tomorrow we don't have any class, want to come to my house?" Ask Cleo.

"I want, but then, I need to take care of my parents store on my day off. So sorry..." Said Ivy, sighing really hard.

"No worries, you can come after your have done your chores. Oh! you should have a sleepover at my place tomorrow!" Said Cleo.

"Great, I will come after I've done my job~" Said Ivy.

Soon, Cleo finally arrived in her house. She quickly went to her room to open up her laptop. There she saw many chat messages from that PoppinUp guy.

P: Hi have you arrived yet at home?
P: I come here to talk to you about our meeting for the next concert..
P: I know that I'm the one that invites you to that concert..
P: I also wait alot to meet you at that concert and have fun together..
P: But I'm truly sorry, I cannot come to the concert and meet you..
P: There is something urgent I have to do..
P: Maybe we can reschedule out meet up at the next concert?

Cleo who read that suddenly sighing so hard many times.. That's the time where she really want to enjoy the concert and meet up with the anonymous guy that she always interact with from her devices.

C: Hi, I just comeback from my campus..
P: Oh Hi, you finally online!
C: Yeah, I have just read all your chat now..
P: I'm sorry, maybe we should reschedule our meet up time?
C: Yeah, it's okay... Then what concert?
P: I will notify you when there is another new concert soon
C: Okay~ No worries hehe~
P: But anyway, I already bought 2 e-ticket here with me..
C: Ah it's okay, I will bring my friend to come~ She also likes watching concert too~
P: Alright then~ I'm relieved, I will sent them to your e-mail~
C: Yep thanks~
P: You're welcome!

Right after that, Cleo lay herself on her bed. There she starts playing a song by Lany - Alonica. There she fell asleep while listening the music she played.

The next day, Cleo have her day off since there is no class today, so she went back to the old classic music shop before. There she start taking a look at all of the cd from classic song to modern song. Soon, there is a person come to the store, it's the same person like the one she meet when the Oldman ask her to take care of the store for awhile.

Cleo keep staring at that person meanwhile that person aka Russell is searching for a music cd, while he looks at some cd, he start to realize someone staring at him.

"What are you staring at?" Ask Russell.

"Uh.. What? I'm just looking at the CD here.. Who is staring at you??" Said Cleo, lying.

"Yeah, sure, keep lying, your eyeballs gonna drop soon.." Said Russell.

"Tch.. Thanks, you are too confident with yourself.." Said Cleo.

"No. You are the one who keep staring at me." Said Russell.

"Good looking minus manner, that's so you." Said Cleo.

"Thanks, uncharming girl." Said Russell.

Cleo take out a CD from a shelf, when she want to go and bring it to the cashier Russell stop her and his hand also touching that CD.

"Woah what the hell?!" Said Cleo in surprised because Russell's hand is trying to snatch the CD that she already chosen.

"I'm searching for this CD all day long." Said Russell.

"Holup, I'm the one who found this CD. You should find another CD." Said Cleo.

"I need this CD for my class and to practice it." Said Russell.

"Don't ruin my mood, I already have a bad day since yesterday, and this CD is the only one I want to listen to.." Said Cleo.

"Alright, you can take it, but after you have done listening to that CD, you should let me borrow it." Said Russell.

"Tch.. Like we will meet again.." Said Cleo, quickly walk to the cashier.

Russell quickly went to the cashier following her, she ask the Oldman for a paper and pen. There he start writing something, after that he give the paper to Cleo and leave the store using his bike. The Oldman just smile and laugh at Cleo.

"Tch.. Uncle that guy is weird.. I'm the one who get that CD's first.." Said Cleo.

"Hahaha! He is a loyal customer of my store. He often comes." Said Grag.

"Really?? Uncle, you know that person?" Ask Cleo.

"Yeah, he is the same age as you. He is a music student. He often come to search for inspiration to creates some music for his stage performance." Said Grag.

"Sigh.. but he is an arrogant person.." Said Cleo.

"Hahahaha, he is a kind person.." Said Grag.
Right after that Cleo went back home and start opening the CD, he remember about the paper that person give to her. That paper written like this,
"Let's meet 2 days later at this store. I need to borrow that CD. 1PM."

Right after reading that she laugh so hard with herself and start to mumble.

"Pft.. Like I will meet with you, a guy without manner.." Mumble Cleo.

"Wait..... a guy with no manner? That person looks like the one that bump me before?" Mumble Cleo again.

"Oh but impossible.. it might be a different person.. let it go.." Mumble Cleo.

to be continued........

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