Part 9 - Good News

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Ivy is having a sleepover at Cleo's house. At the moment, she is looking at Cleo strangely.

"What happen with you?" Ask Ivy.

"No, nop. Something happen?" Ask Cleo.

"Yeah, you suddenly smile.." Said Ivy.

"Really? I'm sorry hahaha" Said Cleo while she laugh.

"Sounds like you keeping a secret from me. Am I right? Did you already have a boyfriend?" Ask Ivy.

"No wayyy, he is just one of my internet friends~" Said Cleo.

"No wayyy!! It's a he!!" Said Ivy.

"Alright, I already told you my secret, how about you?" Ask Cleo.

"Hmm, I don't think I have any secret to share you now. But, then, I got 2 coupon for free food at my place tomorrow? How about that?" Ask Ivy.

"Nice~ I will visit your place after the class ends tomorrow~" Said Cleo.

That night, the two of them chat alot. The two of them fall asleep and smile.
5 days more before the concert finally starting. Cleo haven't found someone that can join her to watch the rock concert. She still have 1 ticket left. Meanwhile in other side.

"Yo Russell, how is your progress?" Ask Leo.

"Doing good here. I might need to have a sleepover at your place again from now on untill the concert start." Said Russell.

"And why is it?" Ask Leo.

"My sister is having an exam week. I cannot practice the guitar at my house because she scold me." Said Russell.

"Hahaha you are getting scold by a 4th grader?" Said Leo, teasing him.

"Yeah, I already asking a permission from my parents and they agree, so, I will say hi to you for like 5 days until the concert start.." Said Russell.

"That's great. Anyway, I have a good news for you." Said Leo.

"What is it? Free meals 2 times a day until the concert start?" Ask Russell.

"No, I have found another electric guitarist." Said Leo.

"Holup. I already practicing hard.." Said Russell.

"Yeah, he will be playing the guitar in the middle after the concert break, so you can still have some spare times with your girlie." Said Leo.

"Are you serious? For real?!" Ask Russell.

"Yeah I am." Said Leo.

"Thanks!! I will tell her now~" Said Russell.

"Yeah, so you only need to play the the music until the break time." Said Leo.

"Okay!" Said Russell.

After saying that, Leo left to his studio, Russell is in the living room sitting on the sofa. Right at that time Russell taking out his phone with a big smile on his lips. He starts calling Cleo. It's 3PM. Cleo is still reading a book in her living room and her phone suddenly ringing, she quickly pick it up.

"Hi, I want to tell you something." Said Russell.

"Oh, hi! Me too!" Said Cleo.

"Alright you first." Said Russell.

"Okay, actually, it's about the ticket. I haven't found someone to go with.. My friend has another concert to attend.. I don't know what to do with the ticket.." Said Cleo.

Hearing that, Russell chuckles. He is in relieve.

"Why are you laughing?" Ask Cleo.

"Nothing, I'm just relieve you haven't found anyone to go with. Actually, I can go with you, but I will be a little late.." Said Russell.

"Really? You are not pranking me right?" Ask Cleo.

"Yeah, I will be late. But I will come, so, wait for me okay?" Ask Russell.

"Alright, if that so, then, where should I wait?" Ask Cleo.

"You should enjoy the concert first since I'll be late. I will find you." Said Russell.

"Alright then. See you soon PoppinUp!" Said Cleo.

"Yeah, see you there." Said Russell.

They end the call. Cleo is smiling, afterwards she run to her room, she quickly open her wardrobe and searching for a clothes to wear.
Meanwhile Russell is smiling and continue practicing his guitar.

After an hour of searching, her room is filled with her clothes. She throw herself on her bed and she start listening to a peaceful song. A Beautiful Promise by Yolanda Rae.

To be continued...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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