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Frustrated, I gripped my can of beer before throwing it in the trash can.

Sea breeze is really something else.

I'm currently at the villa, away from the city to think on a lot of things. Just standing here on the balcony as I admire the view of the sea with a few cans of beer is enough to make me stay grounded at the moment.

It's crazy to think how people find it very easy to lie and yet we can't tell the truth. We will always be closer to sin...

I guess that's what makes us...humans.

I fcking miss Yang Jungwon. I miss him so much I could die.

"SHT—what the fck man! I almost died!" My heart dropped the moment I heard someone screaming and cursing behind me. I was soon met by Heeseung who was wearing a black cap, hand clutching his chest as he froze on his spot.

"What on earth are you doing here?!" He exclaimed before slowly walking towards me.

"I should be the one asking you that! This is 'our' villa! Why are you here?" I spat back which made him rummage through his pocket and showing me a key with a keychain named 'lee'.

"I still had the key you gave me back in tenth grade" grinning, he took off his cap before leaning on the rails as well.

"Where's Jake?"

"I came alone, I'm not supposed to be with him 24/7 dumbass" huh... that's new.

"Well, you and him are literally a one plus one promo. Not my fault you both like sticking next to each other" I responded, shrugging. He stayed silent so I just told him that there's beer in the cooler behind him, obviously offering him to drink with me.

"You're here because of Jungwon huh? Sorry about my question, it was partly my fault" he sincerely uttered so I just shook my head no and started chugging another can of beer.

This taste so fcking good everytime I have a goddamned problem.

"Nah. He'd still get tired of me anyway... you're good" I assured, not looking at him but the calm waves crashing under the moonlight. I scoffed when I saw him finishing the whole can in one sip before he grabbed another one.

Something's on his mind.

"Tsk! Why did you even hide your relationship in the first place?!" Glaring, I lightly nudged him when he sounded mad, trying his best not to nag me in the process. His nagging is on another level! I wouldn't want that.

"You do know how hard it is growing up in a household like mine! It doesn't help the fact that I love my dad and I'm an only child. The responsibility kinda weighs on me a lot" I confessed. If there was one person I could trust with this much, it would be Heeseung. He just never judge you for whatever choices you make.

"Should I let you in on a little secret?" He whispered, now laying down on the floor and getting comfortable so I also took a sit beside him, casually sipping my beer.

"Back in 10th father's secretary noticed how I looked at Jake whenever he comes to our house. He would notice the littlest things that he eventually snitched on me, so my father came to confront me about it..." My heart suddenly tightened upon hearing his story but what really caught my attention was when he mentioned Jake.

How is he involved?

"Being the naive idiot kid I am...I came out to my father" It's like as if my ear rung the moment I heard his sentence. Shocked, I whipped my attention to him so I was able to meet his eye. He was smiling but the thin sheet of liquid glossing over his eyes tells me otherwise.

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