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My vision was hazy, I started to play memories in my head but then it stopped.

I was dropped to the floor straight to my knees, I collapsed.

I tried to catch my breath, my breathing was very heavy and I couldn't control it.

I put my hand around my throat, massaging it from the pain that was just around it.

My body was nude and sore, I couldn't even get back on my legs. My arms were just dangling from my shoulders.

"Fuck... you ghost." I said in between breathe, as I was still trying to catch it.

Then I heard footsteps going away from me. Is he seriously just walking away! Are you kidding?! This stupid bitch.!

I started to feel my body tingling, I hate this feeling. I waited a bit longer to stand up, I needed to make sure I was able to.

I then put my hand out on the floor to give me some support, then put my foot down and pushed myself up.

I was wobbly and it was hard to walk but it would all go away. I looked at the time.


Good enough.

I walked out of the training room but before I left I looked around to see if I could find Ghost anywhere, he was gone.

I looked around in the room in-front of me, it was dark but lit a bit from the sun rising. It look beautiful.

I walked to the door that lead outside and opened it.

I heard the bird chipping and the waterfall that wasn't too far from base. The sun was orange coming through the dark cloud sky.

I walked to a river, it had this big rock that was mostly flat so I boosted myself on to it and sat to watch the sky.

So beautiful.

I heard footstep and shot my head behind me.

No one.?


I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around, my heart started beating faster. I know their is a person here, what are they trying to stalk me?

"I know your there, stop hiding." I said sternly

We're they trying to scare me? No one should be up yet, we don't have training today until 8:00.

I turned my focus onto the sky again, whoever was there could watch me, I really don't care right now.

I put my hand on my neck again and winced at the pain. I just know that it was you my to bruise.

I looked at my arm and wrist, they were already turning yellow and purple. I signed and turned my whole body to the side so I could lay on my back on the rock.

I shut my eye but opened them again as quickly as I could, I heard footsteps and turned my head to reveal Ghost.

"What are you stalking me?! Go jerk off to some other solider.!" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

He was silent, he just stood there.

"Talk or leave, I don't even wanna look at you."

I don't even care if I was being disrespectful, I am scared of him, I am angry, I am just overwhelmed with my emotions.

"I am your upper, do not talk to me like that."  He said that with no emotion and just gave me a death stare.

I can't lie, the stare is creeping the shit out of me. I gulped and looked away from him to turn my attention back to the sun rise, I'm not even going to talk to him.

He was still standing there, I couldn't tell if he was watching me or the sun rise.

"You should be training."

"I can't even walk."

He took some steps towards the rock and then boosted himself on it. It turned my body and sat up now. We were shoulder to shoulder, watching the sun rises

Despite what he just did, I was feeling butterflies.

Ghost is an attractive guy, I can't lie, I think I would let him bend me over like a folding chair.

"Sorry." He struggled to say, like he didn't want to admit he was wrong at all. He almost said it sarcastically.

It wasn't okay. I'm hurt, I'm scared, but I did appreciate the apology, especially from him.

"Thank you." I turned my head to face him and he faced me. I smiled at him and put my hand on his shoulder.

The lake in front of us had a reflection of the sun on it and then when you looked back to the sky it was even more orange and there was now some pink.

"You like sun rises?" I questioned and turned my gaze to the sky.

"I prefer sun sets."

"There both pretty."

My hand was still on his shoulder and I turned to face him, he mimicked my body.

"What you did.... In the training room, it was no different from what that solider did."

He turned away from me, like he was embarrassed to say anything.

"I forgive you, it just.. well I don't know, it doesn't make sense how you would save me from that but do it yourself.

Should I be talking right now..? Why did I even bring this up!? I smacked myself mentally.

"I wasn't thinking."


"It's alright..." it really wasn't but I was willing to forgive him.

I put my hand on the rock jow and pushed myself off of it, landing on the floor in front of the lake.

Without thinking I took off my clothes so I was in my bra and underwear and then jumped right in the lake

"You coming?!"

My Ghost Is Real      Ghost x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now