Chapter 11

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as i open my eyes i feel strong hands around my waist , i turn around to find a sleepy Harry , and then i remember yesterday night and i feel so embarrassed , omg !! he hurd them ! saw me like that !! tears run down my cheek and i wipe them away

.....: your okay ?

i turn my head to find Harry looking at me worried , he actualy was kind , he took care of me last night and for that i was very thankfull ,

me : yes thank you .

i get up quickly and start putting my stuch in my bag , my back was facing Harry , i couldn't look at him i was too embarrassed

me : you can use the bathroom if you want

he didn't respond but i hurd him walking then the door of my bathroom closed .

i took a deep breath , i can't even look at him GOD !!

i took my clothes and went to the other bathroom , my parents must be out already .

as i walk back into my room Harry was sitting on the end of the bed fully dressed , i walk past him and took my bag

me : you want something to eat .

i say as i rush past him once again but this time he grab my hand and turn me around , i look down not wanting to meet his eyes

him : look at me

i don't , just keep staring at the ground

him : i said look at me god damn it !!!!

he said this time with anger in his voice , and with tears in my eyes i look at his beautiful green eyes

him : what is wrong ?

i look away to wanting to look at him any longer and say with a shaky voice

me : e-everything is w-wrong

tears run down my face

me : a-am sorry Harry ....about yesterday and ....

he lift my chin up and look at me then say

him : so that-s what irt is about ? about yesterday ?

i nod a little

me : a-am so embarrassed Harry , y-you saw like that ...and hurd them....

a sob escap my lips and to my surprise Harry wrap me in a hug and say in my hair

him : shhh , don't worry about yesterday , it wasn't pitty i wanted to be there for you , and don't worry i won't tell anyone , you have my word .

relif wash throught me !! i sigh and whip y eyes then kiss him on the cheek

me : thank you Harry , thank you ..


as she walked out to make us breakfest i sat back on the bed and hold my cheek , why did it feel hot !!!! shit !! what the fuck is hapening to you Styles !! you were suppose to stay with her while she study then get the fuck out !!! but the sight of her culed up o the ground broke my heart and i wanted to help her , i needed to be there for her !! i can see that she doesn't want to talk about it so i didn't push it !! and what angerd me is that she was embarrassed to even look at me , i don't want her to feel like that .....fuck Harry what the hell is happening to you !! could you be .....nahhh !! fuck no i don't do that shit !!! plus i have a lot of shit going on in my life to worry about a girl !!!

i walk down stairs and hurd a curse , i followed the sound to find Sam standing on her toes and trying to grab the bread

her : fuck !!

i smile to myself , she was so cute ..............WHAT !!! no i didn't mean to say that!

i walk behind her and grab it then give it to her , she jumped

her : oh Harry you scard me !!

GOD !! i hate that ! i hate it that she is scared of me !! and it's really wierd cause my whole i enjoyed people being scared of me i like it but Sam....i want her to feel safe with me ! i dont want her to be afraid of me ...and i have no fucking idea why.....

as i walk in school i start walking to the lads , i need to talk to Liam

Niall : yooo Stles what'up

me : hey lads.

as we start talking about Zayn's fight which is tonight i cought Liam's eyes and nod to him thoward the door .

we walk out and go to the parking lot , i pull out a smoke

him : what's up Harry ?

me : i need to talk to you about ......Sam

him : what about Sam ?

me : well .....

i tell him about everything and how i feel like i have to keep her safe espasialy after last night

him : well mate there is only one explication have a cruch on the bitch

me : what !!? don't you ever say that again !! i-i only know her for a week

him : well it don't matter !!

me : no ! no your wrong !!

Liam smirk , and i don't say anything cause a part of me know that he is right i might have a crush on Sam .....fuck !!


i was talking with Sally telling her about yesterday , she is the only one beside Jason who know about my parents

me : i am telling you Sally he was really kind

her : but Sam !! it could be all a lie to fuck you

me : no , i don(t think so !! he really looked like he cared !

her : sweetie , he's Harry Styles he can make you believe anything

me : why do you talk so bad about him ! you don't even know him !!

her : do you ??

me : ....

she looked at me for a minute then she gasped

her : OMG !! you have a crush on him

me : WHAT !!! no don't be silly

her : yes ! yes you do

me : i don.....

her : don't lie to me Sam , i know you better then anyone else !! you have a crush on him !!!

and that's when it hit !!! i may have a cruch on Harry fucking Styles ......fuck!!

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