Chapter 39

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......: hey girls smile !!

a camera flashed in front of us , it was Jason.

today is our graduation day , the ceremony is over and we are outside taking pictures and hugging each other.

Liz : come on i need to take more pictures !!! 

me : no am done with pictures really !! you guys go 

she took them and went to take more pictures , as i look around to all the parents kissing there children and happy , i can't help but feel that hurt that's been haunting me since i woke up today.

they didn't even remember or even bother to come! a tear roll down my cheek but i wipe it away ,i am not gonna let them ruin my big day ! this is my day and am gonna have fun.

suddenly i feel two hands around my waist , i turn my head to find Zayn 

him : congrats love 

me : thank you Zaynii 

he laugh and hug me tight 

him : am proud of you 

me : thnx , am pretty proud of myself too 

him : so ,your going yo prom tonight ?

me : yeah 

him : do you have a date ?

me : no....i was just going with my friends 

him : yeah , like am gonna let you go to prom without a date 

i laugh 

me: does this mean that your going with me

him : either you like it or not 

me : oh , that would be a pleasure Mr. Malik

him :   oh the pleasure is all mine my lady 

he kiss my hand and i laugh , guess i won't be going on my own after all.

i look at myself in the mirror , i have to say i look beautiful , i was wearing a long red dress , my hair and down in waves and i had light make up , i look at my phone ....again.

Harry called me in the morning then he never called back , i called him over  and over  but nothing i am starting to get worried.

as i put on my heels my phone start to ring , i jump up thinking that it's Harry's Zayn

me : hi 

him : hey love , you ready ?

me: yeah am ready , where are you ?

him : in front of your house 

me : okay am coming out 

i hang up and with one final look at myself i walk out of my room and down stairs .

as i walk past the living room , i see my parents sitting there arguing like always , dad with his bottle of vodka in hand , i stop at the door and say to them 

me : i graduated today  ...if you want to know 

they stop talking and look at me , mom was about to say something but i walk away , i had enough of this shit my whole life it doesn't bother me anymore.

i step out to find a very sexy Zayn , he was wearing black jeans , and i button up shirt , with the sleeves rolled up , reviling his tattoos , he looked sexy. he was looking at me with an open mouth 

me : so are we gonna stay here all night ?

he laugh and walk over to me then take my hand and kiss it 

him : you look breathtaking 

me : oh thank you ,  such a gentleman

him : only for you .

i laugh and he open the door for me.

 as we arrive , Zayn park the car and get out , then open the door for me and hold my hand.

as we start making our way to the gym , where the party is , Zayn stop and start pulling me to the art section 

me : Zayn where are you going !! the gym is that way 

him : i have a surprise for you 

me : Zayn ! you know i hate surprises !!

him : but you will love this one !

he walk me  to the art section , and when we reach the door he stop 

him : go on !

me : am going there alone ?

him : believe me , you'll thank me later , now go on !! 

i gave him a confused look and open the door  , it was dark , i start to walk slowly , then i saw a small light , i start to follow it until i reach the stairs .........the stairs where i sit with Harry and talk .

there was candles and roses on the steps  , then suddenly two arms wrap around my waist 

......: hey babe 

my heart stopped and i feel tears running down my cheeks 

me : H-Harry 

i turn around to see his beautiful face , i hug him tight and sob 

me : i-i missed you so much !! 

him : i missed you too baby girl ! 

he pull away and wipe my my tears 

him : don't cry , you know i hate seeing you cry 

i nod and smile 

him : no let me look at you 

he spin me around

him : oh babe look fucking amazing ...beautiful babe ....beautiful 

i smile 

me : but what are you going here !!

him : what ? you thought that am gonna let my girl go to prom with someone else !

i laugh 

me : jealousy is killing you Styles !

him : hell yeah ! i have a girl like you of course am gonna be jealous ! 

we laugh and he pull me to his chest then crash his lips to mine.

we pull away 

him : GOD ! i want to take you right here !

me : and what's stopping you ! 

him : prom ....i have to take you to prom 

me: oh prom my ass 

he laugh and take my hand 

him : my bad girl , come on, we will have  the rest of night to ourselves...

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