Chapter 14 - Blurry Lines

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*** Some of y'all are NOT gonna like this chapter cause y'all don't like Alex and some of y'all might like it too much. This is a dark romance, not horror/thriller. Sorry not sorry. This chapter is SUPER spicy and takes up the majority of this chapter. Proceed at your own risk! This chapter also hasn't been thoroughly edited so I apologize in advance***

Alex didn't mention the kiss. It was several hours before I accepted that he wasn't going to bring it up. I wasn't sure if I could handle another emotionally charged conversation so soon. I was so drained from the last few days. Maybe he could sense that. I made bad decisions when I was emotionally charged. Like straddling my kidnapper and kissing him. "Your face is an open book," he teased with a smirk, eyeing me. I flushed.

I made a face at him and switched my focus back to the book in my lap. I wasn't reading it. I flipped the page so he couldn't call me out on that too.

If Alex was keeping closer eye on me since my narrow not-escape, I couldn't tell. If anything, he seemed more at ease, which frustrated me. But, I was not going to let my frustration lead to any more dark impulses today. No stupid, slutty ones either, I reprimanded myself.

Alex cleared his throat and I glanced up again, raising an eyebrow. I didn't say that out loud, did I? "I think it's best if we head home today," he said.

"Oh." I wasn't necessarily surprised, but it did catch me off guard.

"Yeah, I just don't think it's a good idea to stay after yesterday," he said gently, stirring the hot coals from the fire we had lit this morning. We had settled down next to the residual heat. I pretended to read and he widdled away at a stick.

"I guess I failed your test," I said, keeping my tone even as I glanced back down at my book. The words on the pages could have been Greek for all I knew. I was about to lose my only chance to run before I was forced back into that fortress of a house.

"You definitely didn't ace it." I could hear the smirk in his voice. "I just think it'd be best to take the temptation away from you." Which one? The kiss or his brief stint in cliff diving?

"Temptation?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Yes," he said, humoring me.

"You want to know what I think?" Casual. Conversational.

"Tell me." I had piqued his interest. I could tell by the teasing edge to his voice.

"Remember the trade we made before the trip? The one where I get to wear clothes to bed-"

"A shirt-"

"Fine. A shirt," I said, rolling my eyes, "in exchange for a kiss each night?"

"I remember." He wore a lazy smile.

I snapped my book shut and looked up at him from beneath my lashes. I wasn't actually reading anyway. I leaned over and brushed away a piece of ash from his shirt before sliding my hand up his chest. "Do you think all my kisses will be like last night when I had my..." I searched for the right words. "Momentary lapse in judgment?"

His eyes flashed with heat as they glanced down at my mouth. "Will they, Jamie?" he asked in a low, rumbling voice. The way he said my name sent warmth down my spine. I let the words settle between us like the coals in the remnants of the fire. Sleepy heat that would burn me if I got too close.

When his eyes met mine again I grinned with sadistic delight. "No." The word rolled off my tongue and it tasted so sweet. I stood and laughed. "If we have to leave I guess I'll start packing to go home."

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