Chapter 7

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I do not own this picture I found it on google.
(But just pretend it's Starscreams holoform)

Nina sighed as she had to bring in a parent. She knew Megatron was to busy with the army, and she didn't really have a mother, so to speak. But then she thought of something, maybe she could beg Megatron to ask Starscream out.

She knew Starscream made a female holoform, just to be able to join Nina out and about. She also knew the two liked each other, but easily got each other's nerves. Unless she was in the picture then they got along.

Smirking to herself, she had a plan for the two. She reached in her bag and pulled out a box, it was a small box that held two rings. Two simple wedding rings that belonged to her parents, she had managed to find them and held onto them.

As the bell rang, she quickly put the rings back in her bag. She put her books inside and rushed out. As she got outside, Nina saw Knockout leaning against his alt, he promised to use his holoform to wait for you since Vince has been after her again.

Miko snuck up behind her, and jumped onto her back. Nina let out a gasp of surprise as she stumbled, she half heartedly glared at Miko. Miko smiled as she pulled Nina towards knockout, the mech watched Miko carefully.

"Oh she wants to come hang out" Nina said.

"Say what now? Nina she belongs to the autobots, Megatron won't be happy" knockout said.

"I'll deal with father" Nina smiled as she pushed Miko into the back.

"Hey hold it, you can't just take her!" Arcee said.

"We will go with her arcee, I'll keep her out of trouble" Jack said as he and Raf joined Miko in the back.

"So many humans in my alt, your cleaning my interior later" Knockout said.

"Alright big baby, let's just go" Nina laughed getting in the front.


Nina sat in her room, the others with her. She told them she had a plan for two mechs. Which shocked them, but they wanted to help. So Nina could have a mother again.

Nina called In both mechs and as Megatron got there, he saw the three humans who were being held by Starscream. The seeker being made to listen to them. While Nina got picked up by Megatron, Nina gave him a smirk.

"Purpose to Starscream, I want a mother...I'm still young, I still need and require a mother" Nina said.

"What makes you think I'd pick Starscream?" Megatron asked.

"Because you both like each other, and you work great when protecting me" Nina said.

Megatron sighed as he placed Nina down, he took the other three from Starscream. And took the seeker away, out in the hall, the four teens heard Starscream scream.

"What was that?" Jack asked.

"Something tells me Starscream has just become my mother" Nina laughed.

(Time skip to Starscream being talked into going to school)

Starscream groaned as he sat in Knockouts alt, Nina in the back, Knockout had his holoform out to keep Starscream company. As they pulled into the school, Nina jumped out and opened the door for Starscream. The seeker tried to stay inside the alt, only for Nina to pull him out.

"Thanks Knockout, he'll be out once he's done inside" Nina smiled.

"What exactly am I supposed to even say?" Starscream asked.

"Who is that orphan?" Vince asked, pushing Jack onto the ground.

"Hey!" Jack grumped.

As Vince was laughing, Starscream walked up to him and held his collar. He then walked Vince backwards and away from the group.

"I am Nina's mother, and you will leave her alone!" He said as he gave Vince a little shove.

"Whatever" Vince stomped into the school.

Starscream then picked up Jack and looked at the autobots that remained at the school. Nina laughed as she hugged Starscreams arm.

"Wait is this Starscream?" Miko asked.

"In this form please call me Sara" Starscream said.

"Why a female form?" Raf asked.

"Better to pose as her mother" Starscream said.

"You a mother" Arcee laughed.

"Laugh it up femme! Let's get going so I can get home" Starscream grumped.

"Rude arcee" Nina stuck out her tongue.

"Our parents will be here soon, best get going" Raf said to the bots.

"We will be back after school" bulkhead said.

Knockout and Arcee remained, the two ignoring each other. Knockout decided to take a small stasis nap. Arcee watched all the other people arrive.

(Time skip to Lunch)

Nina sat with the three friends again, laughing at how Starscreams face looked when he had to make up a lie for a job and all that. Miko still loved how Starscream made his holoform, the blonde hair and blue eyes suited him. Jack laughed as he remembered his answer to what he did.

"His holoform was beautiful though" Nina smiled.

"Think we can see him use it more often?" Miko asked.

"Possibly" Nina smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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