Chapter 4

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Nina had yet to return to school, it had been a couple of weeks. Now fully healed she smiled as she had her black top and pink skirt on. Her black laced choker around her neck, she sat on the couch in her room bored.

Then Knockout came in and smiled. He told her to get her school stuff ready, she knew it was time to go back. She was still scared, but knew she had to face the music at some point.


Nina sat on Knockouts hood watching other students arrive. Knockout was sitting with her. Both talking about random things, then the autobots showed up.

Jack Miko and Raf all saw Nina and knew the guy was Knockout. The vehicle was a dead give away, Jack slowly walked over towards them.

"Uh hey Nina, welcome back." Jack said keeping an eye on Knockout who stared at him.

"Thank you Jack, did I miss much in Gym class?" She asked.

"Not really....just the usual" Jack shrugged.


"Time to go doll, if anything and I mean anything happens call me I'll be here in a snap" Knockout said taking his leave once Nina stood up.

"Why do you hang out with Knockout?" Miko asked.

"What do you mean?" Nina asked.

"What do I mean? What do I mean?! Dude he's a con, he's dangerous!" Miko waved her hands in the air.

".....a bit judgemental don't you think young lady?" Nina frowned.

"...judgemental?.....dude I know they are nothing but trouble...especially if you get on their bad side which is always" Miko said.

"I'm going to my classes now, if you were smart you'd do the same. Excuse me please" Nina said walking into the building.

Jack frowned giving Miko that look, she just looked back at him and crossed her arms. Raf watched them before shaking his head. He knew that Miko was right, but so was Nina. Miko was being a tad harsh.

(Time skip - lunch time)

Nina had given her art projects to her teacher. Handed in her history paper, and English. She now sat on the steps of the school outside. Remembering she didn't pack a lunch. She forgot, being in a rush to get ready for school.

"Sigh....well I have gone without eating before" she said.

"Hey love, I think you forgot something" a smooth voice said.

"Huh? Oh Knockout thank you!" She smiled hugging the mech.

"Hahaha your welcome, I have to get back, enjoy. Soundwave made it for you" Knockout winked as he then left again.

Nina smiled waving Him off. Then opened her lunch seeing some cooked rice and an omelet. Steamed vegetables on the side.

"Yum" she smiled grabbing her fork.

After eating, Nina continued to sit on the steps watching the sky. She heard loud laughing and looked curiously towards the noise to see Vince and his friends.

"Oh no..." she frowned slowly trying to sneak into the school.

Making it to the door, she was about to enter the school when the boys got to the steps. Vince called her out and she gasped. Bolting inside, she saw them following her. She frowned as she tried to make it to her next class.

"Why does the stupid gym have to feel like it's so far away?!" She grumped.

"Hey orphan come back" Vince teased her.

"Leave me alone!" She begged.

Jack was sitting in the gym with Miko and Raf. They saw Nina rush in, she saw them and ran towards them. Hiding behind Jack, he looked at her then at the doors when they opened.

"Vince.." he frowned.

"Hiding the orphan are you Darby? That won't help her for long" Vince said leaving the gym.

"You ok Nina?" Jack asked.

"Yes thank you...I'm sorry to have hidden behind you, I really don't want to be bothered by them" Nina said.

"That's ok Nina...really, you wanna hang with us?" Jack offered.

"Oh thank you Jack" Nina smiled sitting back down beside Jack.

(End of the day)

Knockout saw three boys standing outside the school, watching the doors. He had a feeling they were waiting for Nina. As soon as she stepped out they advanced on her.

"Nina!" He called activating his holoform.

"It's that guy" one boy whispered.

"Let's go, your father is waiting for you. He has a surprise for you" he smiled.

"Ah right coming" Nina nodded making her way passed the three and towards her ride.

"Saved by her babysitter...Tch let go find something to do" Vince said now bored.

"And how did you get ahold of a human?" Arcee asked.

"None of your business femme" knockout said as he left.

Arcee scoffed as she saw Jack come down. He sat down and put his helmet on, Miko and Raf both got in Bulkhead and Bumblebee. As they drove through town they saw Knockout at the lights, when it turned green he made a turn to the gas station. They followed him just to watch and see if he'd do anything.

"Why are you lot following me like stalkers?" Knockout asked.

"The human Knockout, where did you steal her?" Arcee said.

"Didnt steal, rescued....her family died. Megatron adopted her a few years ago" Knockout said.

"How long ago?" Bulkhead asked.

"Oh has to have been three years now" Knockout said.

"You won't be keeping her for long" Arcee said.

"Guess what, you touch her. And you deal with Megatron" Knockout warned.


Nina had a basket, she was getting some snacks foods. Some healthy some not healthy. And drinks, a few different pops. She grabbed some gum, canned stuff and crackers. She approached the counter and payed for the stuff.

Nina then got can of wax off the shelf and went to pay, the man had a questionable look on his face. Nina gave him a smile and the man shrugged his shoulders. Once he finished tallying everything he blew a bubble with his gum.

"That'll be forty five fifty" he said.

"Ok...can I use my card here?" She asked holding a credit card.

"Yeah, one sec" he said as he got the machine ready.

"Pretty young to have that ain't ya?" He asked.

"Maybe, but I am responsible. I have a part time job that helps to pay it off, I dont normally use it unless I don't have the cash on me. Thank you" she smiled taking the bags of things.

"You to girly" the man said as he picked up his magazine again.

"....Cmon Knockout time to go, I got what I needed. And as a thank you I got you some wax" she smiled.

"Aren't you an Angel" Knockout said as he took off.

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