ƈɧą℘ɬɛཞ 1- ƈƖơʂɛ & ơƖɖ ʄཞıɛŋɖʂ

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{Jake's POV}
I looked at the guy in front of me who seems to know me, but I don't kno- wait I do know him! I couldn't believe the dude I was seeing in front of me. "There's no fucking way that it's Max!" I was so caught off guard from his presence. "MAX?!"

He giggled a little bit. "Long time no see, Jakey." He said winking at me with a peace sign next to his eye.

"So you do know him." Hailey said seeming unamused that I couldn't recognize him at first.

In my defense though, I've only seen Max in white with his wings. "Yeah, but we haven't seen each other for a while."

"Yeah, we've known each other for a while now." He said piercing me with his eyes. "However, do you think you could leave us alone for a little bit blueberry?"

"It's Hailey, and I guess." She sounded really unsure, but that was because she knew something was wrong.

"Actually yeah, go tell the music club that the trophy isn't broken." I tried to sound as convincing as possible and judging by her reaction, it had worked.

She smiles at me. "Yeah, I'll go tell them."

After Hailey walked away, Max had dropped his nice act, but I technically did as well. We know each other from our pasts with the other angels. I got 'fired' from heaven, but I hate to think about it because it makes me shiver every time.

"Are you still friends with that weird ass demon,... Ace was it?" He asked me judgmentally as I was expecting.

I hated people talking about them like that, but that's becasue Ace was my best friend. "Yeah, so what?"

He just looked at me with disgust. "And you wonder why we ripped your wings out, heavenly traitor."

"I didn't betray heaven." It's true, I really didn't and neither did... dad. "If anything, heaven betrayed me and-"

"Your dad?" He scoffed and seemed to get more and more pissed off. "You both got what you deserved for what you guys did."

I was seriously considering punching him in the face. " you think that killing my father and me getting my wings ripped out was a deserved punishment for something like that?" I put the word 'punishment' in quotations using my fingers.

He looked me up and down. "Honestly, yeah I think it was deserved."

I had t seen him in so long that I couldn't tell if he was lying or being serious. I was clenching my fist so hard that I could feel my hand lightly bleeding from my finger nails digging into it. I wanted to just keep punching him until he went unconscious. He started to walk past me a bit before stopping.

"Oh, and by the way," He turned his head around to look at me. "They're testing you so be careful, Jakey." He completely walked away from me with his friends following him right after.

I felt tears coming to my eyes from the thought about what happened that night. I walked into the bathroom to try and freshen up so that it wouldn't be obvious that I had cried.

After I dried my face, I looked in the mirror and tried to calm down. I was able to make it look like I was never crying, but just a bit tired. I was just happy with that and left the bathroom and headed to where mom, Milo, Michael, Shanon, Bethany, and the music club was. I ended up talking to them for a little while before me, mom, and Milo had to go home.

As soon as we got home, I took a shower, went to my bedroom, and closed my door after sayin goodnight to mom and Milo. As soon as they weren't near my bedroom door, I got one of my packed up small bags, I opened my window and fell down to the ground outside my window. I had done this so many times to the point where I could do it without issue or pain. I then went the way to Ace's house to meet up with them like we planned to last week.

Ace has been my best friend for as long as I can remember even though we're supposed to be mortal enemies. Being friends with Ace is what got my father killed and my wings ripped out, but that's just because Gabriel's an ass.

"I hate those angel bastards." I know that dad and I were angels, but still. I reached Ace's house and rang the doorbell.

Ace seemed so tired until she realized it was me. "Listen I don't- oh hey angel!"

Ace has always called me angel because of me being one and she knew about it unlike anyone else I'm friends with. "Hello Ace."

"Come on in." Even though Ace is a demon, I don't want to call her that because it could be seen as derogatory to other people.

"Alright." I came into the house and sat down at the dinner table. Ace had followed me and sat down too.

She got some soda and two cups. "How was the competition?"

{Ace's POV}
I got two cups and asked Jake about the competition, but I was more focused on pouring our drinks. He stayed silent for a second before answering with the sentence "The competition was great, but I'm not doing the best." I looked at him with a bit of concern at that.

"What do you mean?" I said giving him his drink and putting the soda bottle in the fridge.

He looked really upset. "Well, we got first place in the competition, but I got into an argument with Drew earlier, I texted you about it, remember?"

He did text me earlier, but I thought he meant something with the competition. "Yeah, I remember I just thought you meant that something was wrong with the competition itself."

"Well," He seemed nervous. "I did see Max there."

"Wait... WHAT?!" I looked at him with a mortified expression. "Y-you saw him at the competition?"

"Yeah, I did and he said that my fathers death and me getting my wings ripped out was deserved." He looked broken while saying it before he took a sip of his soda.

"Well, I am pissed off," I know that I was saying an understatement, but still. "But how about we go watch some 'Good Omens' to relax a bit?"

He got a large smile on his face. "Hell yes!" We both got up and started to watch the show while platonically cuddling.

I knew that his friends at Rosemeadow were giving him a hard time lately. However, they've been weird lately and I just wanted Jake to feel better about himself without using horrible coping mechanisms. I will say though, it probably hurts him more because he has a crush on one of the friends who doesn't want to talk to him anymore.

This is just the first chapter of this book and I hope you enjoyed it!


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