ƈɧą℘ɬɛཞ 4- ɧɛŋཞყ'ʂ ʂɛƈཞɛɬ

22 1 13

{Henry's POV}
"No problem,... take your time Jake" I put my head in his shoulder. I noticed the incense stick in front of us and the flowers. I put my hand on one of his and he turned it palm up, I held his hand and he held mine. "I feel so bad that he went through all of this."

I felt him lean his head on mine lightly, I felt my heartbeat speed up... a lot. "Dammit stop!" I know I like him, but I don't need any more reminders. I just closed my eyes and focused on breathing, I couldn't let my heartbeat pick up anymore than it is right now because then my... claws and more come out.

I opened my eyes and saw that the incense in front of us had gone out from fully burning. Jake opened his eyes too and he poored the ashes onto the ground in front of the headstone. "It's to make sure they rest after it's fully burned... right?" I had done research about this a couple years ago.

He looked at me a little surprised, but he had a smile. "Yeah, it does."

"I honestly didn't know if that was true." I said while scratching the back of my neck with the hand that wasn't holding his.

He didn't remove his hand. "I like to believe it does, but it's alright if others don't."

I saw him wipe the last bit of tears on his face with the sleeve of his jacket. "I want to believe it too, it seems amazing."

"Well, I'm glad you think it's amazing." He said while smiling at me.

I remembered that I had limited time until my parents would be wondering where I went. "I know that I just got here to hang out with you, but I... uh..."

He looked at me with an innocent look. "Let me guess, you didn't tell your parents where you are?" He said while still holding my hand.

"Yeah." I let out a little bit of a chuckle. "I'm really sorry, but I've gotta go." I started to get up, but I was still holding onto his hand. I only realized when I accidentally lightly tugged his arm.

He gave an innocent smile. I only then realized that I was the one holding his hand, he had let go after I said I was leaving. "Are you gonna let go, or are you going to stay?" He went a light shade of pink.

"He's probably pink from embarrassment." I let go of his hand as almost like I jerked it back. "I'm sorry, I thought I had let go!"

He stood up too. "It's alright Hen." "Hen? S- since when did Jake give me a nickname?" I felt my face go a bit more pink. "if you want, I could walk you home."

"Yes!" I covered my mouth. I wasn't trying to yell at him, but my heart took control of me before I could think. "Sorry."

"It's okay Henry, I'll walk you home." He said while walking with me while I turned around on the way out of the graveyard.
{Henry's POV After Getting Back Home}
I went to the bathroom after I had said goodbye to Jake, but mom and dad were already there. "Well, where were you that you couldn't tell us before going?" My mom asked me while they both were waiting for a response.

I was a little bit nervous. "I just went to see Jake for a couple of minutes... I'm sorry."

My dad got up and walked over to me. "Henry, we don't care that you went to see Jake, but tell us where you're going next time in advance." He gave me a light hug before going back to the table to eat breakfast.

"I'm just going to go to my room." I said before walking to my bedroom.

"Alright hunny." My mom said before going back to what she was doing.

I went to my room and closed the door. "I'm so glad that I didn't allow my heartbeat to get any faster." It got faster from me being nervous right now. I looked at my hands...

"Yup,... claws are out." I walked over to the mirror in my room and saw the little bit of horns from my head. They were normally small, but they were still visible. And I already knew my tail would be out too, but I still looked... and I was correct. My canines grew larger and sharper. "Why am I the ACTUAL freak of the high school? What did I ever do to deserve this?" I looked at the monster staring back at me in the mirror,... myself.

I remember the lab all too well. Injections every two months, experiments every other week, never talking to other kids there out of fear that's revolt, which we did, but the injections made us into these beasts. Some of us got the lucky ones and got actual animals like cats, dogs, and deer. However, I didn't. I had to become something somewhat close to a dragon or demon.

I... am the ACTUAL monstrosity. I felt my phone go off in my jacket pocket, so I pulled it out and saw that it was Liam calling me. I picked up the phone.

"Hey Liam," I said. "What's up?"

Liam seemed like he was a little bit upset. "Hey, can you come to my house so I could talk to you about something?"

"About what?" I asked him genuinely confused. "Please don't have anything to do with Jake... I like him too much to hear anything negative about him for something that wasn't his fault." I just stood there trying to get my freakish parts of me into hiding.

He took a deep breath over the phone. "I think I should tell you something about me."

"Like what?" I said into the phone, incredibly confused. "Do you have a crush on someone we know or something?"

I was just joking, but... Liam fell silent. "Wait, Liam... do you actually have a crush on someone we know?"

"Yeah,... I do." Liam said while sounding a little upset.

I thought my fears would've gone away, but they didn't. "What if he... also has a crush Jake?" I looked at myself in the mirror again, but this time I saw a normal teenage guy in the mirror. "Well, who is it?"

This is just the fourth chapter of this book and I hope you enjoyed! It came out later than I wanted it to, but life is life. ❤️


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