🌥Gwen x Trent: Goodnight, Gwen🌥

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(Third Person)
It was the morning after Owen's great party, it celebrated the end of the torturous show 'Total Drama Island' and also Owen's victory. Sure, Gwen was a bit upset she lost, but hey, better to not be a sore loser, right? Plus, she was still invited to the party. And she did go, with her Knight in shining armour, Trent. Although he may have kissed Heather, he was tricked, and Gwen saw that. She forgave him and he helped her the best he could in the final two, wasn't he so incredible?

Anyway, the party was over, and Gwen had woken up in an unfamiliar room, yet in a familiar person's arms.

She woke up with a yawn, and a major headache.

"Morning, gorgeous."

Gwen blinked her eyes open and saw she was cuddled into Trent's chest.

She immediately panicked, pushed herself off his chest and looked around the room, a fearful expression plastered upon her pale face.

This made Trent a little concerned, too. He sat fully up, the blanket just covering his legs.

"What's wrong?"

Gwen looked all over.

"Where is this?"
"It's just my room, don't freak out, it's fine!"
"Well..." Gwen's voice drifted off as more questions flooded into her head.

She seemed calmer, but still urged to know more.

"Why am I here?"
"You probably won't remember, but.."

Trent cleared his throat and looked slightly nervous.

"So, we were at Owen's celebration party. You had quite alot to drink, so I decided it was time to..you know..quit? So, since we came together, I didn't think you would mind if I took you home..."
"Trent..that's so.."

She looked at him with a warm smile.

"That's so sweet!"

She lept at him and wrapped her arm's around his neck, while also snuggling into the crook of it.

Trent obviously didn't think of this reaction, like he had the expectation that she'd see him as a disrespectful pervert or something. But no. So he smiled back and wrapped his arms around her waist, she still smelt a bit like the alcohol she had last night, but it wasn't too strong to not handle.

She still had her arms wrapped around his neck, but she also pulled her head away in order to face him. She looked at him with loving eyes, while he returned just that.

It was a small staring contest for a few seconds, coated in a thick yet comforting silence, until she leant forward and placed her lips against his and closed her eyes. Trent widened his eyes, but very soon melted into the kiss, closing his eyes just like she did.

The kiss wasn't one filled with greedful lust, it was purely passion and warming love.

As much as they'd both like to continue it, the kiss would not last forever. They both pulled away and looked at eachother in the eyes again.

"That was..amazing..." Gwen eventually admitted.

"It was.." Trent nodded after saying that.

They let go of eachother, in order for Gwen to move back into the blanket. When she got in, she was once again held, cradled, in his warm arms. She felt safe and at peace, allowing herself to get carried away in the moment. She snuggled back into his chest and embraced all the warmth that was given with it. She smiled and smiled and smiled and smiled, Gwen was over the moon. She had never felt so cared and loved for before, and she was glad the first time she did was with Trent. And his feelings were mutual to hers.

He stroked her hair slightly as she drifted back off into a light sleep.

"Goodnight, Gwen." With that, he kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, letting himself also nod off into sleep.
A/N: Uhh is this even good? I don't really know- I don't have experience with writing fluff so I apologise if it's crappy in any way.

-665 words.

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