Part five

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Chappy 5
The downfall of y/n

"Is that the plan" Soobin asks,
"yes , meet me on the rooftop after school and we'll discuss it" Beomgyu says before leaving,
"What does it say?" Taehyun asks,
"I'll tell you later, but right now we have to head off to class" Soobin says,
The other two follow him into class and sit down,
"Good Morning class, today we have a group project!!" the teacher howled,
The whole class groans,
"Now now, toughen up, get ready for me to reveal the groups!!!" The teacher begins reading out names,
"Huening kai and y/n" The teacher says,
"Oh shit, it's groups of two!!! What are we gonna do????!" Yeonjun whisper-yells,
"It's fine, one of us can go with Beomgyu." Soobin replies,
"Yeonjun and Soobin" the teacher says,
"guys , who am i gonna be with now" Taehyun asks,
"Don't worry, let's hope you get Beomgyu." Yeonjun replies,
"Taehyun and Jisoo",
"Oh shit-a-bricks" Taehyun says,
"I have to be with-"

Age: 28 (very old)
Talents: has radioactive diarrhea that erupts randomly
"Hey teacher, can I swap partners please?" Taehyun asks,
"Um does anyone want to swap??" The teacher asks,
"Oh me!!!! me !!" Jennie puts her hand up,
"I got Beomgyu."
"Oh yes please" Jisoo gets up and walks over to Jennie, you can see the green stain on her butt,
"Come over here Beomgyu" Taehyun says,
Beomgyu walks over to Soobin and his gang,
"Okay , do we discuss the plan now, or maybe later?" Yeonjun aks,
"Probably not now, you know people could be eavesdropping.." Soobin replies,
"Hey guys you wanna see my new oc??" Beomgyu says out of nowhere,
"oh , yeah, we forgot you were a furry.."

(Beomgyu shows them this drawing)

"Um great anyways-" the bell suddenly rings,
"Ok, let's go to the rooftop now, we need to sort the plan out." Soobin says and leads his gang up onto the rooftop,
"Ok, so can you tell me what it said?" Taehyun asks,
"Ok, so basically what we gotta do is frame her for murder, so you see she has a dangerous wolf form, she has to have killed someone right?" Soobin says and his gang and his new recruited member nod,
"Yeah, so we're gonna frame her for a death that happened years ago. Some old 45 year old guy who mysteriously went missing 9 years ago. And If that doesn't work then we need to make up a backup plan." Soobin explains,
"Ok i understand, when is the plan taking place though?" Yeonjun asks,
"Next week, be ready, i'm off to class." SOobin says before leaving off to class.

*in class*

"Hehe!!" y/n giggles, "Hyuka youre so funny hehe!!",
"Oh I know." Hyuka replies,
Soobin and his gang walk into the class and see Hyuka and y/n giggling together,
"ewww , shes fucking corrupted him, how terrible.." Taehyun says,
"I know.." Soobin replies still staring at the lovebirds,
"We need to end them.. Now.." Beomgyu says,
"Not yet, we dont have a backup plan" Soobin says,
Suddenly a girl come up to them,
"Hiiiii" The girl says,
"Um hi what the fuck do you want???" Soobin asks the girl,
"you. " the girl growls and licks her lips,
"What's your name??" Taehyun asks,
"Piss off im talking to Soobin," She snaps,
"Anyways , my name is Kim Jiwong." She says,
"Um hi Jiwong, can you like.. go away please??" Soobin asks,
Beomgyu starts growling,
"Gom away, can't you see that he doesn't want you to be near him??" Beomgyu growls,
"Finee, you guys are so not fun" the girl says before walking away.

*after school*

*Soobin and his gang at the police department*

"Hey um police lady, we think we know who murdered that one old guy 9 years ago." Soobin says,
"Oh really??" the police lady asks,
"Well since you guys are so cute, i'll believe anything you say",
"Yeah, so there's a girl that goes to cixtynyne highschool and she's a werewolf, you know how on his dead body there were scratch marks?" Soobin says,
"Yeah" says the police lady,
"Yeah so she prolly killed him and you should believe us because we're cuties",
"Ok, we'll get in touch with this girl.. y/n right??" The police lady asks,
"Yes , thank you." Soobin says and walks out with his gang,
"Omg that worked out so amazingly!!" Taehyun says gleefully,
"I know now lets go to y/n's house and watch her through her window!!" Yeonjun says and the rest follow him off to y/n's 'house'.

(y/n's house)

"Look at her, what is she doing????" Taehyun says,
"I dont fucking know dont ask me." Soobin replies,
"Anyways-" Beomgyu was cut off by the sound of a police car siren,
"Omg the cops are here to arrest her11 lets go!!" Soobin says happily,
"Lets hide in this bush, get in guys."
*everyone hides in the bush*
"Hey you're under arrest for murder!!" the police officer says to y/n,
"W-w-ha-" the police start handcuffing y/n and she starts to cry,
"omg the plan!!! It worked, thank goodness we don't have to see her ugly ass motherfucking face everytime we go to school yippee!" Soobin squeals,
"Ok shut the fuck up now" Taehyun says,
Out of nowhere.. Hueningkai emerges!!!
"Stop!! y/n is innocent" Huening kai yells,
"Your evidence??" the police officer says,
Huening kai shows the police officer a video of soobins gang on the rooftop talking about the plan,
"Believe me!!!" Hyuka screams,
"Yeah..... No" the police officer says and shoves y/n into the car and drives off.
"Get over here soobin." Huening kai says furrily,
Soobin gets up and walks over to hyuka,
"What do you want?? Are you sad because we put that weirdo in her place??" Soobin says,
Hyuka punches soobin really hard, then they start bashing each other,
"Guys stop1111!!! This isnt you!!!!!" Yeonjun yells,
Hyuka and soobin turn around to him,
"Buzz off HUENING KAI!!!!!!!!!!!!." yeonjun says,
"Oh yeah?? And what if I don't??" HYuka says whilst walking up to yeonjun scarily,
Beomgyu COMES out of nowhere in his wolf form,
"y/n?? HYuka says,
"no , beomgyu." Beomgyu starts eating hyuka!!!,
"Oh my fucking jesus harold christ guys stop stop stop stop stop stop!!!!" taehyun sCREAMS,
"This is getting out of control, at this point one of us be in jail."

"Ok let's just leave." Soobin says, because he's a real problem solver.

*With y/n and hyuka*

"Are you ok baby girl??" Hyuka asks y/n,
"I'm doing just fine because of you.." she blushes at hyuka,
Y/n and hyuka lean in for a kiss until...
Y/n drops to the floor and blood seeps from her head.
"Beomgyu???" Hyuka says,
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" hyuka starts bashing Beomgyu but his gang come to the rescue,
"Get off of him hyuka,just let us explain." Taehyun says to hyuka,
"EXPLAIN." hyuka screams,
"Ok, ok so these are the reasons why we shot her in the head, number one, she's a furry, number two, she's weird, number three, she killed my nan, number four ... ummm idk" Soobin says y/n comes back from the dead and starts singing five nights at freddys 1 song*

"BABY GRIL YOURE BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!" huening kai starts kissing y/n,
"Im back baby boy!!!!" y/n screams as she runs up to soobin, her fat rolls jiggling and the ground rumbing like it was a scene from attack on titan every step she took, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HELP!!!!"

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