~•new friends•~

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        I wake up with screams coming from the other side of the door outside my room, I get up still yawning and walk to the door opening it, when I come across four girls, one of them was Bambietta, the other girls I don't know completely.
         -ichigo~what else is going on here? asks looking at two girls rolling on the floor in a fight with two others standing near the door.
         Bambietta was rolling on the floor with giselle, who had hinted at indecent things about bambietta to bazz-b her colleague quincy, which she didn't like and was dissatisfied with giselle which ended up causing the fight.
          Ichigo clapped his hand on his forehead for patience with the scene in front of him, Clearing his throat, Ichigo caught the attention of the four girls in front of him.
         -ichigo ~ let's see, what's going on here girls, it's because bambietta is clinging to her colleague quincy's hair.
          -bambietta~see ichigo, i was usually at the breakfast table talking well with asnadolt is askin,until bazz-b came to ask me a kinda crazy question...so far so good,i waited for his question, the idiot came to ask me if it was true that I was out there hitting on the grand master, it's some shinigami that I had killed... see if you can... the shinigami maybe I could have seduced some to get information.. .plus the grandmaster... the grandmaster, I wouldn't be capable of such a thing, so I asked him where he had seen this rumour, and then he told me that it was this rat here who had spread rumors about me!! says a bambietta almost jumping on top of giselle again.
          Ichigou blinked at such information.
          -ichigo~well are you are you?if may i ask?
           -giselle~oh forgive me your highness i didn't formally introduce myself i'm giselle and i hope we can be friends .
               Ichigo analyzed the girls, although she wasn't a girl at all, but she wasn't prejudiced about it, she liked giselle despite the first impression.
               - Ichigo~Pleasure my giselle, I also hope we get along very well... now if it's not asking too much, apologize to your colleague, I know you don't get along, at least while I'm here, I hope that you can buy.
               Giselle pouted, but obeyed her superior now, looking at Bambietta, she apologized.
                -giselle~ very well, I'm sorry bambietta, I will never do that kind of joke again... friends?she asked offering her hand towards her.
                 Bambietta looked a little suspicious, but smiled and accepted his apology with a handshake.
                 -bambietta~ok...no gossip, lies are games in bad taste!both shook hands in a sign of friendship and peace.
                  Ichigo beamed with pride at his sneaky work.
             Then the girls who were behind Bambietta and Giselle also introduced themselves to Ichigo.
              -mininya~it's a pleasure to meet you in person your highness,I'm mininya at your service,I hope we get along well.
             Soon the other girl also introduced herself.
              -liltotto~my name is liltotto your highness, it's a pleasure to meet you, I hope we become friends.
                The last girl then walked over and introduced herself as well.
               -candice~hey i'm candice your highness,i hope we get along,and that we become friends.
                -ichigo~you don't need to be formal with me, and it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm ichigo, I also hope we become good friends!! quotes ichigo smiling cita .
                  The four girls smiled at the enthusiasm of their new companion and superior, as they grabbed Ichigo's arms and pulled her out to explore the castle further.
                 Ichigo genuinely smiled at the antics of the 5 girls and left being pulled along by his new companions and friends, Ichigo was very happy with his new life.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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