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(y/n is on the killer grips team)

season two, episode thirteen



I sat down next to Lindsay in the cafeteria and looked at the opposing team to see Duncan carving something into the table; I rolled my eyes at his attempt to look 'tough.' He glared over at Heather, who was staring at him intently.

"What?" He questioned.

"Vandal!" She scoffed, turning away from him just to be faced with Harold.

"Nerd!" She said, and he just blew raspberries at her childishly.

"We have to all stop acting like babies, or every one of us is going home," Leshawna added to her team's bickering.

They started talking about how Leshawna sold them all up for a day at the spa, and soon, she left, storming back to the cabins. I sighed at their arguments. This game isn't the same as it was last season. I'm not sure why, though.

"Try not to let the door hit your butt on the way out!" Duncan called to her

"Door? It's a tent, idiot boy." Heather interjected

"Uhh, it was a figure of speech." Harold began to speak causing both Duncan and Heather to roll their eyes. "What you should have said is don't let the flap flutter you-"

"Shut up, Harold!" They both shouted, cutting him off.

I put my head down on the table, desperately trying to block out everything that was happening right now. God, I wish Courtney was h- never mind.

"I feel soo lucky to be here still," Beth explained, smiling

"And I am back on track!" Owen added. "My jaws unwired and back in business. I can finally eat like normal people. Haha." And with that, he dumped a giant plate of food into his mouth

"Or like ten normal people.." Justin said, staring at him

"More like fifteen," I added, smiling a little at myself. I looked up to Owen, running towards the kitchen without return. I also realized Leshawna was still gone. Just then, Chris lowered himself from the roof with a rope, with the usual evil grin.

"What an entrance!" Beth smiled at him

"Consider it a hint to this week's movie genre-" he said, pointing at her

"Is it lame-o, rock climbing, wanna-be host movies?" Duncan replied sarcastically.

"No, today we're paying tribute to the action-packed bank-heist gangster caper film."

"Er, Chris, our team is missing a player," Justin remarked

"So is ours, but we don't care," Heather added

"I'm not missing our guy too much either," I said. It did seem quieter with him gone.

"Owen and Leshawna are gone, people," Chris deadpanned, "Because rescuing them
is the first part of your challenge!"

Everyone on my team gasped, excluding me; Lindsay looked over and instead gasped again for me.

Dustin started to gasp but turned it into a yawn. "Oh, pardon me."

"They've both been locked up in a state-of-the-art safe along with all the tools each team will need to commit a movie-perfect bank robbery. Your job is to crack the safes, rescue your teammate, grab the equipment, and try to be the first ones to rob the First National Bank of Chris." Chris smiled. "Let's kick it, gangsters!"

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