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season two, episode fifteen - part one



I woke up to Courtney complaining about her PDA and running after Beth, who was twirling the device around in her hand.

"Hey, that's my PDA!" Courtney hollered at the girl. She swung the device in the air as Courtney swooped to catch it just in time.

"Huh?" Beth said, opening her eyes confused, "I'm so sorry! I must have started to sleep twirling again."

"Did she say 'sleep twirling?'" Leshawna said concerned, and I started to giggle at her comment.

"That PDA is my legal right in this game," Courtney complained. "Touch it again, Beth, and prepare to be served!"

Suddenly, the bickering was interrupted by the sounds of Chris misplaying a trombone with a giant bass drum clanging while attached to his back.

"Morning, sports fans!" He grinned at us evilly. "Who's ready to put up their best offense?" Chef followed behind him, holding a giant bowl of food.

"Spaghetti, here!" He said, "Get your piping hot spaghetti here!" And with that, he grabbed the balls of pasta, throwing one of them directly at each camper, and luckily, I caught mine.

"Woah, woah, that was a spitball!" Harold complained after he got knocked to the ground by the food.

"It's called breakfast." Chris smiled

"Pasta for brekkie?" Lindsay asked

"It's called carbo-loading people!" He answered, sighing, "Today, you're all gonna give 200% in our exciting sports movie challenge!" After we ate, he made us run with some not-so-motivational words. "That's all you got, sports fans?"

"3 cups of spaghetti followed by a 3K jog..." Leshawna said, "All I'm ready for is a nap." Chris explained the challenge to us, pushing a sweaty chef across the length of the field, and he just ate a jar of jalapeno peppers.

"We gotta push spiced-up Chef like he's a football dummy?" Justin complained

"Don't call me a dummy!" He yelled.

"Uh, I am not swapping sweat with an oversized jalapeno." Heather sassed. After we had finished the first part of the challenge, we had the lead, and we ran toward some tire jumps before we all got our feet stuck in them.

"These are so not normal tires." Beth said, "My feet keep getting stuck!"

"Oh really? I'm sorry." Chris walked up to us before turning to face the camera. "Wait til they get a load of the mousetraps." Suddenly, we all jumped up, yelping as there was snapping heard below us, as the traps pinched our feet. "Snap to it, losers!"

The next stage was crawling on the ground through mud to avoid a bunch of barbed wire above us, making us all very dirty.

"I've never seen my school football team do this," Courtney complained, making me laugh.

"You thought Chris was going to be accurate with these challenges? He's out to get us." I replied.
Chris explained how they had mud and barbed wire left over from the war movie, so he put it in for 'fun.' We were all exhausted and covered in mud when Courtney asked who won. Chris paused, looking at his clipboard before smiling at us evilly.

"Nobody!" He said. We all looked at him, confused. "It was just to see who's playing who in the challenge to come. We're running four sport-o-contests with the competitors seeded based on the results."

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