1 ~ New workplace chat system.

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Raymond Holt: Greetings, Detectives. as you can see, I have had a new chat system installed. I'm not very big on technology myself, but I feel it will be a more efficient way to get work done around here and connect.
Sincerely, Raymond Holt

Jake Peralta: Sir tou dont ned to sign ur name we can see ur name

Raymond Holt: Suggestion noted, detective Peralta.
Sincerely, Raymond Holt.

Jake Peralta: 🤦🏻

Amy Santiago: Jake, you need to use proper grammar, this is a professional work chat.

Rosa Diaz: C'mon Amy, you're such a wet blanket.

Amy Santiago: What?! No, I'm... Uhm, I'm a... A dry blanket!!!!!

Raymond Holt: In all seriousness, Santiago, I do agree. Peralta should not be irresponsible, especially with his grammar.
Sincerely, Raymond Holt.

Jake Peralta has added Gina Linetti into the group chat.

Gina Linetti: What up peeps?

Amy Santiago, Terry jeffords: Gina, you're not a detective.

Gina Linetti: Idk Jake added me.

Raymond Holt: Peralta, Remove Gina. She is not a detective.
Sincerely, Raymond Holt.

Jake Peralta: Come on dadio ur like no fun come on let ur metaforical haire downz

Amy Santiago: Your grammar is atrocious.

Jake Peralta: Well ur face is atrocious

Amy Santiago: .

Jake Peralta: jk i love u ames, ur perfect ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Amy Santiago: Awh, I love you too, Babe. ❤️

Gina Linetti: Ewwwwwww get a room.


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