chapter 3- party.

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It's the next day and I wake up early to get ready for class. I change into the Slytherin uniform, mess with my short and fluffy black hair to make sure it looks ok and after a bit, mattheo gets ready too and he shows me the way to our class. The first class today is Snape's. I'm very nervous because of what my brother says about him.
We get to the classroom and mattheo sits next to Theodore so I go sit next to the other available seat, next to this pretty handsome guy from Gryffindor.
"Hey, I'm George." He says.
"Oh, you're Ron's brother right?"
"Cool, nice to meet you, I'm y/n by the way."
"I know." He says smiling at me.
"The class has started stop talking. Otherwise you'll be excused. -snape says.- and you, potter. Don't think that just because you're new here that you're special. Open book at page 320." He says.
I try to ignore him and open my book.
"Don't worry about him. He's always like that."
"Good to know."
Why is y/n talking to that idiot weasley? And why is he laughing and smiling so much, what can he be saying that is so funny?
"Dude, you gotta stop with the staring thing." Theodore says.
"I'm not staring." I say.
"Yes you were. If you like him at least don't make it that obvious."
"I don't like him! I don't even know him."
"Yeah, whatever bro. If you don't like him I bet you're gonna be fine with all the girls flirting with him tonight at the party."
"Why would I care about that?"
"No reason.."
"Shut up and listen to the class." I say.
It's now lunch break so I go for a walk and end up finding harry and his friends.
"Oh, hey y/n!" Hermione says.
"Hey guys! What's up?" I say.
"Nothing much, we heard about the Slytherin party tonight. No gryffindors allowed. Are you going tho?"
"I think so, I don't know I guess I'll see when it gets there. Oh, by the way I met one of your brothers today, he's pretty cool."
"George? Yeah, I say you sitting next to him today at class."
"Look, I know you're in Slytherin now but just be careful around those guys you've been hanging around. Don't trust them they're not good people."
"I bet they're not that bad and besides, I'll me the judge of that I'm not letting what other people think be that important."
It's now very late and the party started downstairs, I can already hear the music.
Mattheo already went to the party so I decide to change into some party clothes like everyone else.

Mattheo already went to the party so I decide to change into some party clothes like everyone else

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After that I go downstairs. As soon as I get there the scent of alcohol and cigars dominate the room and I see a bunch of people dancing and some people over by a place they turned into a bar stand.
I look around and see pansy walking up to me smiling.
"There you are! C'mon I'll take you to the guys." She says holding my hand and leading me there.
"Y/n! You came!" Draco says.
"Yeah, I told you I'd stop by."
I look over to y/n and see how good he looks. I can't help but blush a bit, good thing it doesn't show in this lighting.
"Oh, hey mattheo, you look good." He says.
"Oh, uh, you also look good." I say slightly nervous.
I catch the guys staring at me with a smile on their faces.
"Hey, y/n, you want something to drink?" Blaize asks.
"Yeah, sure. Why not?"
"Take a shot!" Pansy says.
"I'll do it if you do it with me."
They both take a shot and y/n doesn't even react to it as if he just drank water wich not gonna lie was kinda hot.
"C'mon, let's dance!" Pansy says to him, dragging him to the dance floor.
"Looks like pansy has a thing for him huh?" Draco says.
"Who cares." I say taking another shot.
Me and pansy go to the dance floor and start dancing. I feel like someone's watching me then I look over to the guys and see mattheo staring, he's probably looking at pansy or something.
I dance a bit than go get another drink and sit next to mattheo.
"Hey, mattheo." I say with a smile.
"Hey y/n, you sure you want to drink more? You seen drunk already." He says.
"I'm fine! Don't worry about me."
"I'm not."
"Don't worry, it's cute when you do." I say taking another shot then winking at him and walking back to the dance floor.
I start dancing and Enzo comes up to me dancing with me.
I keep an eye on y/n and see Enzo go up to him and start dancing with him. What's he doing? They're both dancing together at the same rhythm and they start getting really close dancing together like no one else is around which makes me angry. He can't dance with him like that.
I take another shot and start walking over to them. A few girls stop me on the way asking to dance with me but I just ignore them and go straight to y/n. He sees me and smiles. I go over to him and he starts dancing with me.
Enzo continues dancing with pansy now and y/ns attention goes to me.
He looks so good right now. I don't want him to pay attention to anyone else.
"Hey, mattheo. Glad you finally decided to dance with me, I was thinking you'd never come over." He says.
"You wanted to dance with me?"
"Sure, pretty boy~" he says.
"You're drunk."
"And? C'mon, don't be a buzz kill dance with me!"
We dance for a bit then he walks over to the bar again so I go up to him.
"Woah there, I think that's enough drinks for you."
"I think I can be the judge of that myself thank you very much."
"Yeah, no I dont think so. We're leaving."
"What? Why?"
"So you don't do anything stupid."
"You're no fun."
"C'mon let's go-" I say getting interrupted by this girl walking up to him.
"Hey y/n! Mattheo, mind if I steal him from you for a second?"
"I do actu-"
"Thanks. So, my friends helped me get the courage to talk to you, um are you single?" She says, irritating me even more than I was before.
"Oh, um yeah, why?" He says.
She whispers something to him and he looks kinda awkward.
"Sorry, um you're not really my type.." he says and I feel a huge wave of relief washing through me.
I grab his hand before she can say anything else and lead him to our room.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"You've drank enough for today c'mon."
"Fineee." He says following me.
We both get to our room and he sits on his bed.
"Thanks for helping me tonight, pretty boy." He says smiling at me and even though I love it when he calls me that I know it's just because he's drunk.
"Yeah, whatever." I say helping him go to bed.
After that I don't feel like going back downstairs so I decide to also call it a night.

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