chapter 6- don't care.

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It's the next day and I'm walking to my first class with Theodore. We get to the class and I go sit next to Cedric.
"Hey Cedric!" I say sitting next to him.
"Hey y/n! You look good today." He says with a smile.
"Thanks, so do you." I say smiling at him.
The teacher walks in and we focus on the class.
I see y/n next to Cedric at their table and roll my eyes.
Why did he sit next to him? I hate it when those two are together. It's so obvious Cedric likes him. I don't know how y/n doesn't see it.
Cedric says something that makes y/n laugh and basically keeps flirting with him the entire class. I want to punch him in the face so fucking bad.
Now it's lunch break so I head to the tables near the trees. On my way there draco stops me.
"Oh, hey y/n. Me and the others are gonna be near that tree we hang around." He says.
"Oh, okay. Tell them I'll be there in a few minutes, Cedric asked to talk with me." I say.
"Okay, bye."
I walk over to the table Cedric and his Hufflepuff friends are at.
"Hey Cedric! What's up?" I say.
"Hey y/n! Glad you came." He says smiling.
"You wanted to talk to me?"
"Yeah, so Gryffindor is having a party and every house is invited so I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"
"Oh, sure. Are Slytherins going too?"
"If they want to I guess even though they probably won't want to."
"Cool, yeah I'll go."
"Great, it's this Friday after curfew. I know you said you were hanging out with your friends but they can go to."
"Ok, I have to go now. Bye!"
Draco walks over to the tree were at.
"Hey, y/n isn't coming?" I ask.
"Yeah, he's gonna be here in a bit. Apparently Cedric asked to talk to him so he went over there first.
Now he's spending time with him after class too?
"I think someone's jealous." Pansy says.
"Didn't you have a thing for him?" Draco asks her.
"A little at first, not anymore tho."
"Why not?"
"Oh, I mean I'm pretty sure he's into guys."
"Wait you think so?" I ask.
"Oh, now he's interested." Enzo jokes.
"Yeah, fuck off." I saw walking away.
"Where are you going?"
"I'll be right back." I say as I decide to go over and pay Cedric a little visit.
I see y/n talking to Cedric then hugging him and walking away.
"Hey mattheo!" He says walking by.
"Hey, I'll be there in a sec ok?" I say.
"Sure." He says walking away to go to the guys.
I walk over to Cedric.
"What do you want, riddle?" He says.
"What's up with you and y/n?" I say.
"Why do you care?"
"Just awnser the fucking question."
"Nothing much, yet at least."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I haven't really talked to him about that yet but just so you know he's going to that party with me Friday."
"The fuck did you just say?"
"You heard me, riddle. Why do you care anyways, you have a thing for him?"
"Then mind your own business."
"If you touch him you're dead." I say as he takes a few steps back.
I get to the guys and after a few minutes I see mattheo walking over to us with an annoyed expression on his face.
"You ok mattheo?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He says.
I give him a worried look and motion to him for him to sit down at the tree next to me which he does. I don't know why he's like this right now but I just rest my arm around his shoulders as we all talk to make sure he's ok. When I do this he relaxes a bit and rests his hand on my thigh.
A few days go by and it's finally Friday. It's after the curfew and I get ready for the party.

I walk out of the bathroom and see mattheo staring at me

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I walk out of the bathroom and see mattheo staring at me.
"What? Do I look bad?" I ask.
"No! No you look great." He says.
"Oh, thanks. You look good by the way. -i say making him smile.- I promised Cedric I'd meet him before we go to the party so I'm heading out already." I say.
"Oh, yeah fine." He says almost in an annoyed tone but I just brush it off and go meet Cedric.
"Hey Cedric!" I say walking over to him.
"Y/n! You look great!" He says hugging me.
"Thanks, you do too! Ready to go to the party?"
"Yeah, let's go."
We head to the Gryffindor common room and Harry lets us in. I see actually a lot of people of every house here, obviously not everyone is here but there's more than I thought there would be. I see George and Fred and go say hi.
"Hey guys!" I say hugging them.
"Hey y/n! I'm glad we finally get to party together!"
"Yeah, me too!"
I talk with the guys from Gryffindor and Cedric for a while then see my other friends walked into the party so I tell them I'm just gonna say hi.
"Hey guys! I'm so glad you came!" I say hugging them.
"Of course we came we weren't gonna leave you alone with these losers." Draco says and I roll my eyes.
We decide to take some shots and we continue talking.
It's been a while and we're all hanging out and pretty drunk already. We decide to play some truth or dare. I sit next do George and Fred and we start playing the game.
A few rounds later the bottle stops pointing at me and Hermione who surprisingly agreed to play.
"Y/n, truth or dare?" She asks.
"Dare." I say.
"I dare you to.. kiss Cedric." She says.
I look over at Cedric asking if I can and he nods yes.
"Fine.." I say going over to him and kissing him. He kisses back and after a few seconds I pull away and go back to where I was sitting.
"Ohhhh~" the twins tease me as I blush in embarrassment.
"Okay okay next person c'mon." I say spinning the bottle.
I look over at mattheo and he has an angry expression on his face and the other guys give him weird looks.. what's going on with him? Is he mad about the game or something?
We play for a while longer taking a few shots then we decide to dance.
I get up and start walking to where the others are but get pulled aside by mattheo.
"What the fuck was that?" He asks in an angry tone.
"You know what!"
"What, the kiss? It was a dare-"
"I don't fucking care what it was why did you accept it?"
"It's the game! Besides, why do you give a shit? It's not like you like me!"
"I don't!"
"Then why do you care?"
"I don't care!"
"Then what's the problem? Look, imma go talk to the others when you're done being weird then you talk to me." I say walking away and taking another shot.
My friends pull me into the dance floor and I start dancing with them. After a bit Cedric comes up to me and we start dancing together.
We keep dancing and he spins me around as a joke making me laugh.
"You're friend there is looking at us." He says looking at mattheo.
Why should I care? He clearly doesn't like me he made that very clear. You know, I was actually wanting him to have any feelings for me but he doesn't. I just need to move on then. It can't be that hard.
The guys come up to me and give me a drink.
"You look like you need that." Theodore says.
"What did you say to him? Please tell me you didn't fuck things up." Draco says.
"I told him I don't care about him after we had an argument."
"Are you fucking kidding me mattheo? Are you dumb? Why would you do that?" Enzo says.
"Yeah man, you fucked up." Blaize says.
"Look, I know alright?!"
For the rest of the party y/n doesn't talk to me and I go to our room a bit before he does.
Why did I have to say that? What's wrong with me?? I never felt like this before about someone.. I shouldn't even be feeling that.
I fall down on my bed and black out a few minutes later before y/n comes back.
I go back to my room and see mattheo sleeping on his bed.
Why did I argue with him? Now he's gonna hate me for sure and I don't blame him. I mean I only kissed Cedric because of the dare I didn't actually want to.. I decide to just shut off my feelings for the night and go to sleep.

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