Chapter 13 - Stark's Devola-pment

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The first rays of dawn filtered through the window of Nier's room, casting a gentle glow on him in the bed. Captain America stood quietly by the bedside, his eyes focused on the young man who had shown immense potential. The events of the past days had tested Nier's strength and resilience, and Cap believed it was time to take the next step.

With a soft sigh, Cap leaned down and gently shook Nier's shoulder. "Nier, rise and shine."

Nier stirred, blinking his eyes open as he registered Cap's voice. "Cap? What time is it?"

"We've got training to do," Cap replied with a warm smile.

Nier rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Training? Already?"

Steve's expression turned serious. "We've got a lot of work ahead of us, Nier, and I believe an early start will give us an edge."

Nier yawned, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "You guys really don't waste any time, huh?"

Steve's gaze softened. "We don't always have the luxury of wasting time. Especially with the world at stake. Every moment counts."

Nier sighed. He wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea of training at such an early hour, but he respected Cap and his experience. "Alright, fine. I'll get ready."

Cap clapped him on the shoulder. "That's the spirit. Meet me outside when you're all set."

As Cap left the house, Nier turned and tapped Weiss awake, much to his annoyance."Morning, Weiss."

Weiss let out an exasperated sigh. "There had best be a good reason for rousing me from my rest."

Nier swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Yeah, Cap wants to start training already."

Weiss arched a spectral eyebrow. "Training? At this hour?"

Nier stretched his arms. "Seems like he's all about early starts."

"Hmm, perhaps that's how one earns the title of 'Captain'," Weiss mused.

A short while later, Nier stepped outside with Weiss hovering by his side, finding not just Captain Rogers but also Clint and Natasha, both looking surprisingly awake and ready for the day's training.

Clint leaned against the brick wall, his bow slung over his shoulder. "Morning, sleepyhead."

Nier chuckled, feeling a bit more at ease with the friendly banter. "Morning, Mr. Barton. You guys are up early."

Natasha flung her hair back. "Early risers get the advantage, Nier."

Captain Rogers stepped forward. "Good morning, Nier. I hope you're ready for a productive training session."

Nier nodded, feeling a little nervous. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Steve's eyes held a glint of approval. "Great to hear. We'll start with some basic exercises to warm up."


As Kaine lay sleeping outside the village gate, her mind drifted into the realm of dreams. In this ethereal landscape, she found herself standing in the midst of a vast desert, surrounded by endless dunes of golden sand. The sky above was an infinite expanse of blue, unmarred by clouds.

In the distance, a figure appeared, shimmering like a mirage. It was her grandmother, the woman who had raised her when her parents had passed away. She looked just as Kaine remembered, with her wrinkled face and a twinkle of wisdom in her eyes.

"Grandma..." Kaine whispered, her voice trembling.

Her grandmother smiled kindly, and her voice echoed in Kaine's mind. "My dear child, it's been too long."

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