Sadness takes over

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Today i was walking throught the street and i found this lonley girl and i decided to talk to her.

???:*looking sad* hey
Aiden:hey may i sit next to you
Aiden:*sits in chair*mm whats ur name??
???:m-my name is Nina
Nina:whats yours??
Aiden:my name is Aiden nice to meet you
Nina:well from where are u from Aiden
Aiden:iam from here chicago and you?
Nina:iam from PR iam just on vacation
Aiden:oh ok cool
Aiden: i dont talk to much people specialy girls because i'am a shy person and yeah
Nina:me to aim a shy person i just talk to specific people
Aiden:i feel you Nina
Nina:*says it sad* who will date a shy crazy girl like me anyways
Aiden:well who knows
Nina:*sniff* i just want to be with my carzy boy thays all *starts crying*
Aiden:hey hey dont cry*goes to her and hugs her*believe me iam kind of crazy too
Nina*while in hug says*you ate a nice person Aiden ill wonder why no girl is with you
Aiden:well stuff happens huh?
Nina:yeah can i have ur number ?
Aiden: yeah is ???-???-????
Nina:oh ok thanks ill call tonight bye i have to pack my stuff
(A month later later)

Well she wasent call what a wasted of time really *turn on tv* breaking news a girl was found dead in the airport the victims name is Nina velazques 21 years old thats all for today*smash tv to ground* whyyyyyyyy this shit noooo (aiden is mad) whyy nooo not her fuuuuuck!!!. Every goddamn person i meet ends up or dead or no appearense aaaaaah fuuuuck!!

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