I really do love you!

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Hopes POV:

People were talking, probably about me. But I wasn't listening, I didn't even want to hear their words. I was looking at my sneakers. This trial was going to be the end of me. I know it! Tears were spilling over. I hadn't even fully lived my life. I would stay in prison forever! Never seeing anything else except bars. The thought alone made me choke up on my tears. Kings rearranged his tie, he looked proper, he probably does this often enough for it not to phase him.

"Uh hum. What do you have to say in defense of yourself?!" I didn't answer. Why should I? I was going to jail anyway. But Kings answered for me. "She didn't hurt anyone." My head zoomed up, disbelief on my face. He changed his mind?

He showed them the photo of my mom and me. Then he took out lots of photos and placed them on the desk. "That should be enough evidence to say that Hope is innocent. And her Dad...my best friend...Thomson is the killer. And he is on the loose." Everybody was silent, even the reporters stopped talking. My mouth was open wide and I smiled slightly.

"Case closed."

Then Kings walked out, he knew I was grateful. I clutched my heart and laughed in relief. Thank god!

Toby took my arm and lead me out as well. Once outside I hugged him. "See!? I told you?! I wouldn't let my father put you in jail!" He said while laughing, he hugged me and I hugged back. The reasyring squeeze made all the stress go away. His sweater felt nice and he smelled good, like coffee and wood.

The tears coming from my eyes were of happiness this time. "Oh Toby! I love you!" I said, still hugging him. I felt him freeze. "Y-you do?!" "You sound surprised!" "I am!" His hug crushed my rib cage, I didn't care though. "I'm glad!" He finally replied. "Cause I love you to!" I smiled in his relaxing shoulders. He was so nice! Kings ran up to us. He was looking at me with large eyes, eyes I hadn't seen before and looked wrong on him.

"I'm so so so sorry!" There was something off about him. "What's wrong?" He hesitated "Thomson has captured Raven and he's going to kill her unless we hand you over to him." He explained quickly, his eyes shutting and a sigh escaping from him. My face blanched. "He wants...me..." I said. Kings nodded. "Yes."

Toby burst out in an outrage. "No! No way! You can't do this!" I shook my head. "Raven is one of my best friends." "That doesn't mean that you need to give yourself in!" He ran a hand through his messy hair, a stressed look on him. I smiled and turned towards Toby. "Oh but it does." Then I turned back towards Kings. "Kings! Take me to him!" The determination on my fave must have kicked back his training into him cause he nodded and al the light went out of his eyes.

"No!" Toby cried out. I dont know why he was so desperate. Did he think I didn't love him anymore? I decided to reassure him.

"Toby...I really do love you!"

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