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I remember kind and nice and always there for you...then I never saw her after the bloody road incident. How could she have changed into this!

Her finger obviously hovering above the trigger, not worrying about shooting me or the men.

What did she mean Kings was dead!? Did Toby know!? Oh my god! He would freak out!

"What happened?" I asked, not noticing the drug dealers taking our conversation for granted and trying to run away. I was finlled with such complicated emotions.

"He died one week ago. When Raven escaped from prison and he tried to stop her. She had no choice but to kill him. I guess she got bored in there and decided to bust out. Now move out of the way." I needed answers though so i stood my ground.

"What do you mean by eliminating these men!?" "I mean killing them! Duh! Jeez! Have you gotten even more stupid?!"

She pointed her gun higher and pursed her lips, a smile curling it's way onto her face. "I can't allow that! Who sent you!" "A secret organization that's going to eliminate all crime on earth!" "That's not the way to do it! You would be a murderer." She shrugged. "I don't really give a damn." Her face was going red by the minute and I could tell I was pissing her off.


Her face changed into curiosity and in that moment I knew I had said the wrong thing.

A trigger was pulled and I felt pain course through my leg and shoulder. I could see Angel had a surprised look on her face as one of the drug dealers hit my leg. I could see her bitting her lip, trying to decide if she should kill them or save me.

Her face changed again as she made her choice.

She ran straight past me and fired a bunch of gun shots, all of them precise. The look of concentration on her face made me shiver.

I was left bleeding on the ground, my life slowing down.

Angel? What do you gain by doing this? What happened to the sweet innocent girl I once knew?

I guess people change.

I know I did after the bloody road incident. I also know Toby changed after he left his dad and Raven changed after she was kidnapped.

It only makes sense that Angel would change as well... What had made her change though?

I was so deep in thought I hadn't noticed I wasn't on the ground anymore.

Caught - FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now