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Disclaimer: I don't own anyone but the adopted parents and Arella probably.
Arella's P.O.V
I never really thought of myself as pretty, I had natural purple hair that everyone in school thought was dyed, green eyes and lime green skin. How? I have no idea. My adopted parents, Gloria Hudson and Nicolas Hudson, said it was that way when they adopted me, I don't know, I guess it's a skin condition. Oh, and don't forget about my elf ears, why was I like this? What I wouldn't give to fit in with people in my school. This I was thinking while lying on my bed in my room. It was a dark room with scary surroundings but I had forest green as my wallpaper.

"Arella! Can you come down here please? Dinner is getting cold!" Georgia yelled from downstairs, I sighed and got up from lying down. I looked at my desk across from my bed and looked at the mirror on it, don't get me wrong I loved my look, it's just that other people didn't. "ARELLA!" Georgia yelled, I sighed in irritation.

"I'm coming Georgia! Jeez," I yelled back at her.

"What was that Arella? Don't make me come up there, you don't call me by my first name, that's disrespectful to your mother!" She yelled, I shook my head.

"In case you haven't noticed you aren't my mother," I mumbled to myself, I went out of my room and went down the stairs. Georgia turned from the sink and saw me.

"You need to learn some respect before your daddy comes and knocks some sense into you," She said while wiping her dish.

"He's not my dad and you're not my mom," I said, I knew, I couldn't win a fight with 'mother', hint the quotation marks.

"You know what? You can just go back to your room with no dinner," Georgia said, pointing to my room. And to think tomorrow I'll be 16 and she's still treating me like I'm 5. I stomped back to my room. I didn't care, I wasn't hungry anyways. At least she didn't take away my video games, comics, or books. I ran upstairs and slamed my door and plopped down on my bed. I got under the covers and went to sleep.
  -----------------Time Skip--------------------

12:00 am and I just woke up. Why? I have school tomorrow, I'll be tired as fuck. A loud sound made me jump out of bed and go against the wall. There was a big hole in the wall that used to be my window. Some guy that had a mask that was half copper and half metal came through the hole and looked at me straight in the eyes. I was terrified, I couldn't scream, it was  too.... Horrifying.

"Hello, Arella. Your birthday's today, 16 years old, just like how your mom was when she became the portal," The stranger said.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? H-how do you know my mom?" I asked, I was slowly inching for the door.

"Oh, you don't know, do you? Well let me explain, I'm Slade, and I'm supposed to help the portal open, and who's a better candidate than Garfield Logan's and Raven Logan's daughter, Arella Logan," Slade said, I stared at him in disbelief and my breathing became shallow.

"You mean.... My parents are.……… heroes? With powers?" I asked him, everyone knew the Teen Titans and everyone knew that Changing and Raven were married, but no one knew they had a kid, and no less, I'm their kid!

"Yes," was all he said and he lifted his hand and shot a laser at me, I dodged it surprisingly fast. I ran through the newfound hole in the wall and ran through the front door while he was shooting the lasers at me. He finally shot me and I was conored in a alley way, my long sleeves were now turned to short and there was barely any pants. I got mad and my eyes split into four red eyes and I felt myself changing into the beast, I only knew about the beast because I only turned into it a couple times and I didn't know why but now it makes sense. I turned around and let out a loud roar. I was in control for once. "Oh, Arella, I want you to let rage control you, consume you, so you can turn into Trigon's portal."  I changed back automatically and tried to do all I could but... I don't know if I can. " Arella, just let go or I will have to use force," he lifted his hand once again and it glowed, I quickly got into defense mode and lifted my hand and black aura engulfed it. That was a first, and this wolf made of my black aura came, I like my powers.

"Sic him!" I yelled and controlled the wolf while it had a little self control on itself. The wolf tried to go for Slade's neck and I didn't know what to do. Slade pushed my wolf off.

"I'm tired of this," he pulled out his gun and shot. Before I went into full unconscious I heard a voice that sounded familiar.

"Titans Go!"

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