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Disclaimer: I do not own anyone but maybe Arella and any other child here?
Arella's P.O.V
I opened my eyes only to squeeze them shut again, I opened them slowly and saw a white light. Oh my gosh, I'm dead, I've died and went to Heaven! I sat straight up and saw a room that looked like it was a emergency room but with better equipment.

"Rest, you should not of woken that fast," A voice said, I turned to see a 16 year old boy with green eyes and jet black hair, she had lightly tanned skin and talked like he just learned English.

"Who are you?" I asked, he smiled at me and I automatically became confused.

"We are the teen titans, I am NightStar," He said, pointing to himself.

"Who's we?" I asked.

"Us," a voice said in front of me, I turned to see a black 17 year old boy in front of me with a grey hoddie and jeans on, he was standing beside a black girl with robotic parts on her and then a green boy with green hair and purple eyes and he had a hoodie on as well.

"Who are you guys?" I asked

"We're the teen titans, we saved your sorry butt out there, all thanks to your brother here, I didn't really care," The cyborg girl said, wait, hold up, did she just say... Brother?!? The boy with the green skin looked at me shyly and then quickly looked down at his feet.

"H-hi, Arella, I'm Crow, I-I'm your brother, I hope that you're not mad at me," He said, I was confused, why would I be mad at him? I just met him for crying out loud!

"Why would I be mad at you?" I asked, deciding to say my thoughts out loud, he looked at me with sad eyes full of regret.

"Because when you were born you had to be taken away to the adoption center, mom thought that Deathstroke wouldn't find you, dad told me to keep an eye on you just in case, so I did, because I promised mom and dad," I was shocked. To think that all my life I thought that my parents were normal humans and if I did have brothers and sisters then they would be with some other adopted family but, I guess I was wrong, that was the complete opposite. I got up and unplugged wires from my person.

"What, what are you doing? You are not stable yet, you need to rest," NightStar said, putting a hand on my shoulder, I shook it off and started to go out the door, Crow towed behind me, much to my dismay, I wanted to be alone and to think. When I went into the next room something wrapped around me and it felt like a Boa Constricter was trying to kill me!

"Arella! You've come out of the coma!" A girl with jet black hair, Caucasian skin, and blue/green eyes said, she was the one who was hugging me!

"Marì! Let go of Arella! She's still trying to figure out what's going on," Crow said and this girl that was called Marì let go of me

"Sorry, Arella, I didn't mean to hug you that hard. So did you meet my brother? And Meg and John?" She asked me. I assumed that NightStar was her brother so I shook my head. I thought it was weird that he talked like he just learned English and she spoke it fluently. She beamed and sqeuled while jumping up and down. "That's good! Do you know who I am?" She asked and I shook my head yes again. She beamed and before she said anything else the girl that I assumed was Meg, the boy that I assumed was John, and NightStar came from the door that I came out of just minutes before.

"Marì, this poor girl hasn't been a victim of your hugs has she?" John asked and Marì laughed nervously.

"Why do you say victim when it comes to my hugs?"

"Because, oh I don't know, you kinda inherited your mom's strength," John said and Marì gave a pout.

"Whatever," she said while putting a smile back on her face and said she was going to her room. I turned back to John and smiled at him. He returned the smile and looked at Meg when she said something.

"OK, Arella, I'm assuming you would like to go back home now?" She said and I looked at her, confused. Why would I want to go back to that hell hole when I know who my parents are and I know who my brother is? I want to stay!

"Well Meg, I was actually hoping that, um, I could stay," She gave me a look that said hell no and glared at me.

"Arella, I don't want you to stay,"

"Meg," John said in a stern voice, "Arella can stay all she wants, she can even be apart of the team, c'mon Meg, let her," He tried to negotiate with his sister. She shook her head and crossed her arms.

"I'm the leader of this team and I don't want her here," Meg said while John glared at her

"We made a rule that if you're out of line on a decision then it's my duty to take control of the situation, c'mon Meg, there's no reason why Arella shouldn't be with us, she's just like us!" John said, pleading with his sister.

"There are a ton of reasons! She could be evil, she could turn against us, she could make Crow into even more of a train wreck, she could do all sorts of things!" Meg said, distrust evident in her eyes and her voice. I felt bad, had that of happened before? Is that why Crow's a train wreck? Is that why Meg doesn't like me?

"That won't happen!" John said, having confidence in me.

"Well-" Meg started

"Enough!" Crow shouted, everyone turned to stare at him. "My sister wouldn't do that! She is good, strong, loyal, and a good friend, she would never betray us, we will have faith in her, right John?" Crow said and John looked at him before nodding his head. Meg glared at my brother before crossing her arms and giving me the coldest glare she could give. I don't get why she doesn't like me.

"Fine! We'll let the little girl stay! But you guys are helping her get taken care of," and with that she left the room. The room fell silent and I looked down at the floor, thinking that I'm a liability. John put his hand on my shoulder and smiled down at me.

"Hey, don't let Meg get you down, she's always like this," John said and I smiled at him and that's when NightStar flew in the room.

"Please, cousin Arella, go back to the hospital bed, you need to rest! It is not safe for a person of your physical capabilities to be up and moving, please rest!" NightStar said and I smiled kindly at him.

"He's right, baby girl, it's not safe for you to be up and movin, do you need any help gettin there?" John asked me and I shook my head.

"No, I think I have it on my own," I said and he grinned.

"Nice to know that you're independent," he smiled at me and I smiled back. NightStar, John, and Crow all walked along side me in case something happened anyway. I lay in the hospital bed while NightStar plugged the IVs and everything back in. John and Crow stood aside in case help was needed. Finally everything was in place.

"I'll go check on my sister, I know how she can be," John said and he went off but not before giving me a thumbs up. NightStar went too, saying he had to go do something important and that just left me and Crow.

"L-listen, I know t-that this must b-be overwhelming, y-you can take your time. I have to stay in here though, I-in case something accidentally happens," He said, getting a red face from just saying that sentence. I touched his arm for reassurance but then quickly felt tired and yawned. He looked up and smiled at me. "G-go ahead and sleep, Arella," he said and I turned over to sleep. It took a little while but I finally managed to drift into unconsciousness, but not before I felt a kiss on my head.

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