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"Take a seat." I pointed to the seat across from me. She did so and glared at my drink. Another beer.

Listen, I hate beer as much as the next person but I forgot my Percocets and I've been in pain. At this point, the Percs could be giving me the Placebo Effect but I don't mind it.

"Why the hell are you drinking?" She grabbed the beer and replaced it with a water bottle, "Hydrate your ass if you're that thirsty."

"I'm not even drinking to get drunk." I groaned grabbing the water bottle. "Anyways, call Lauren and tell her to call Dinah. I'll call Ally and Normani."

"Is this about the song?!" She exclaimed.

I shrugged and we dialed the girls.

Everyone was on and I decided to tell them what was happening, "So, I got a text from Scooter a few hours ago and we were talking about my album."

"Do we get to do a song with you?!" Dinah asked.

"Yeah, but that's not what I'm talking to y'all about. Guess who's touring with Years and Years and Fifth Harmony for their winter listening sessions?"

"No fucking way!" Lauren screamed.

"Fucking way." I retorted. "I think they're gonna let me promo my album there."

"Now I can't wait to do the sessions." Normani said as Camila walked over to sit on my lap and kiss my cheek.

"Okay, well y'all can go but Scooter told me to tell you girls. See you in a week."

The calls ended and Camila nuzzled her face into my neck and spoke softly making her breath caress my skin, "I bet you never thought you'd be on tour with us again, huh?"

"In all honesty, I didn't." I replied combing my fingers through her thick brunette locks.

"Guess you and I will be on another bus together."

"Maybe I'll actually have my own bus."

She giggled lightly and pulled away to look at me, "Now, where's the fun in that?"


I was leaned back on the couch with a cover over my body.

Camila and Mike went out to pick up some food and told me to watch Nicholas since I didn't want to go.

I sat the kid in the floor on a blanket and gave him a baby DVD to preoccupy his tiny brain until they got back.

All of a sudden, a pitchy cry sprung out from the little demon.

"Fuck!" I groaned getting up to sit on the floor by the baby on his tummy.

"What do you want?" I queried, feeling the slight panic of not knowing what to do.

His blue eyes filled with tears which only made it worse.

"Do you need like food or something?" Cries bellowed out. "Shit. Okay, I'll find a bottle or like baby shit."

I hurried over to the kitchen to see that there were no bottles in the fridge or anywhere. What the fuck?! Should I call Camila? No. I can do this.

I walked back over to the kid, "We don't have food so like what else do I do?" Wow, I'm asking a baby what to do. I'm an idiot.

"Maybe it's your diaper?" I asked with a lack of confidence. "I'm just gonna check, is that cool?" More cries.

I checked to see that it was clean. No problem there.

I'm so fucked. I hope they come home soon.

I sat beside him and rubbed his stomach thinking that this would never end. I was about to go bat shit crazy because he wouldn't stop crying.

I pulled out my phone to call the one person that I know is more of an adult than anyone else I know.

"Hello?" Their voice grogged.

"Mom, help me!" I whined to the girl on the other end.

"Adios mio! What did you get yourself into this time?" Ally's voice was stern but still lovable.

"It won't stop crying. I mean, we don't have food for it or anything so I'm screwed."

"I'm guessing it is referring to Nicky?"

I scoffed, "We don't nickname things."

"Where's Mila and Mikey?"

I scratched my head and got up away from the child to hear her better, "They left me to get food and I don't know when they'll be back. It won't stop crying."

"First of all, it is a he. Say it with me. Heeeeee."

"I don't give a fuck, Ally. I need help." I retorted.

"Don't use that language with me, honey. I'm just trying to figure this out which starts with the proper pronouns. Now, have you picked him up and rocked him?"

I was disgusted, "You want me to hold that demon?"

"He's not a demon. He's done nothing wrong except have crazy parents just like you. Now, go over there and pick up that child. He's probably scared." She explained in that motherly tone.

I sighed out and went over to pick up the six pound child and extend him out.

"Now what?"

"Are you holding him close to your chest?" She asked.

"Do I really have to?"

"Yes, balance his head like a normal ass person, Y/N."

I pulled him in my arms and he stopped crying as loud but it was still ear piercing.

"It's not working."

"Rock him." She ordered. "Back and forth gently."

I did what I was told and looked down to see him calm down and eyes get heavy.

"Oh shit. It's working." I said into the receiver with amazement.

"Clean up that language, potty mouth." Ally scolded me, "And I told you. He just needed a little loving."

"Way too make it cheesy, Alls."

She yawned, "It's what I do, baby girl. Now, I'm gonna go back to sleep because I had a long day and I really just need a siesta. Text me tomorrow, though."

"Thanks, Sunshine. I'll talk to you then. Love you." I cooed.

"Love you, too."



i didn't expect y'all to do it but you did. you are true fam. DOUBLE UPDATE WEEKEND YAY :) - agf

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