Chapter 2

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After I've satisfied Tom with my mouth and he has slammed me against a wall to put his head up my skirt and remind me why i fell for him in the first place, we leave the shelves. As we are walking, Slughorn smiles at us, "Mr. Riddle, Ms. Solace. Catching up on your muggle studies, I see?"

I nod my head, "we sure are, Professor. Gotta love those muggles, am I right?"

He chuckles and Tom touches my arm, "why don't you go ahead and head back to the common room without me, my Love? I need to ask the professor about something that I've been reading up on."

I accept the kiss to my cheek, before I start to walk off, "see you in class, Professor."

"Have a nice evening, Ms. Solace."

I quickly walk to the common room, running to Eliza who gives me a concerned look. She knows, she has to know what I've done. She's been my best friend since first year.

"Miri. What did you do? You have your "I messed up" face on? Please,  tell me you didn't make out with Riddle?" She asks with disappointment all over her face.

"I didn't make out with Tom." I say, technically not lying since we didn't make out with each other.

She raises an eyebrow at me, "okay. What did you do then? Suck his dick?"

I look at the ground and she punches me in the shoulder. I can see disappointment lining her features again.

"You didn't, Miri," she says with a sad tone. "What happened to not giving into him this year? It's been 4 hours and you're already right back on your knees for him? He isn't a good person, Miri. You deserve someone that isn't a complete psychopath who doesn't care about anyone but himself. He doesn't love you and he isn't ever going to treat you like you deserve.

"He does love me, Eliza." I say with my arms crossed, "he loves me. Just in a different way than most people. Just because he's a psychopath doesn't mean he incapable of caring. I didn't come over here to get a lecture from you about the people who I chose to hook up with."

Eliza scoffs, looking at me like I'm crazy. "Miri. Do you hear yourself?" She says to me, whisper yelling, "that's exactly what psychopath means. He does not love you. And I'm not going to stand here and let him ruin your life again. You lost yourself last year. You were trying to love someone who is completely unlovable and you acted like a mad woman. I'm not letting you do it again."

I shake my head, laughing. "Oh, you aren't going to let me?" I say, still laughing, "you don't control me. I am my own person. And I love him. You don't know what he's like when we're alone. He is capable of being good."

"No!" Eliza screams, loudly this time, "he is not! You are so brainwashed by him, Esmeray! What is it going to take for you to realize that he isn't a good person?!" She whispers the next part when she notices people staring, "is it going to take him murdering someone for you to realize what kind of person he is?"

"He wouldn't do that, Eliza."

"He already has, Miri. Are you forgetting that he was the reason a monster was roaming Hogwarts? Are you forgetting that he had Hagrid expelled? You know better than this, Miri. Did he give you a love potion or something? Because you're acting stupid."

I sigh and cross my arms again, "you just... You're probably right. About everything. But I can't just turn off the way I feel about him and the ways that he has a hold on me. I'm sorry."

"Just don't come to me when he breaks you again, Miri. I'm not going to put you back together like I did last year."

I don't even answer her, I just walk away. I end up bumping into someone. He's tall, handsome. "Miri. How are you?" He asks me. He's a sixth year, named John, I don't remember his last name.

"I'm good. How are you, John?"

He smiles at me, and I will admit he has a nice smile. "I'm doing well," he says to me before he begins grabbing at his throat. I turn behind me to see Tom with his wand out, mumbling something.

Tom walks towards us, yanks me to his side and spits down at John, "never. And I mean never. Speak to my girl again. You hear me?!"

The struggling boy nods his head the best he can with his throat being magically closed off. I slap Tom in the chest, glaring at him as he continues to hurt John. "Enough, Tommy!" I say, scared for John's life as he starts turning blue, "you're going to kill him, Tom. Stop!"

Tom looks over at me for a split second, before glaring and turning back towards John. "Guess you'll think next time before acting like a whore? Yeah? I saw you. Flirting with him after you just sucked me off?"

John is literally blue as Tom continues to speed nonsense about me flirting with other men. I do the only thing I can think of to get him to stop and grab his face. "I'm yours, Tommy," I say before  I grab his face and crash my lips to his.

I hear John take a breath as Tom's hand comes to my back. He pulls me to him by my waist and I feel him smile into the kiss. He never smiles when people can see, but ever so often, I can make him smile. We pull away and he runs his thumb across my cheek, "you're mine?"

"I'm yours."

He takes my hand and leads me over to his corner. I'm pulled into his lap and he glares at anyone who dares look out way. I don't worry about anyone finding out that he used magic to harm John. Nobody would dare say anything to him, they're all afraid of him and I know that I should be. I also know that as long as his hands feel like they do know my skin at the moment and his lips make the world stop, that I am a slave to him. And that should scare me.

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