I followed Zayn up the stairs, praying that someone would know what Zayn was up to and stop him. But we saw no one. I behaved like Zayn wanted me to. I played the poor girl who was in a hit-and-run accident. I looked scared, and cuddled up into Zayn’s side for warmth. I was really cold! He seemed surprised, but went along with it. I just hope I don’t get punished for it.
“Get in the car,” Zayn said grufflty, half pushing me into the car. He shut the door behind me, and got in on the other side.
“Zayn..” I started to say, but he put up the volume really loud, so loud I couldn’t hear myself think. What the fuck was his problem?? Like really? Why did he keep me captive if all he was going to do was ignore me? What did he want with me?! There were prettier girls, richer girls, and a whole hell of a lot more willing to be with him than me!
“We’re here.” Zayn’s gruff voice snapped me out of my daze. “Now understand me, you were in a hit-and-run car crash, and I was a good person a drove you here, because you didn’t want an ambulance. And I have that tracker in your ear, so I can find you if you try to run. Nod if you understand.” I nodded. “Good, lets go.”
I stepped out of the car, and almost immediately, camera’s started flashing. Girls were screaming Zayn’s name. How did these girls find us? I quickly looked Zayn over. He did look like he had any tracker chips. But, I wouldn’t put it past these girls. Maybe it was in hi--- ‘no stop it! Don’t even go there!!’ I scolded myself. Eww. That was a nasty thought that almost popped into my mind.
Zayn put on his cheeky smile and started taking pictures. Taking. Pictures. While I was over here getting closer to death every second. And he was just WISHING to get a high five. In the face. With a chair. That has nails sticking out of it.
“Zayn!!” I screamed over all the girls. He barley heard me, but he looked up. A cloud passed over his face. Well, than. ‘You drove to the hospital to help me! Not sign pictures of yourself!’ I wanted to scream at him. But you know, that would only end in more pain for me. So, I kept my big mouth shut. He started walking towards me, so, no screaming was needed.
“Lets go,” he told me, losing the niceness in his voice he had before. He still smiled though, so no one knew how mean he could be. And I knew first hand how mean he could be. For crying out loud he kidnapped me! But I could see why he did want his fans to see him like this. It would crush them.
We walked into the waiting room. The women at the front desk did a double take when she saw me. “What HAPPENED?!?!” she asked/yelled.
Zayn looked at me expectantly. I knew I had to say what he wanted me to say. So I swallowed, and started talking. “I-I got hi-it by a dr-iver. And-And Zayn here brough-t me-me hear, cause I-I didn’t wa-ant an am-bu-lance!” I seemed surprised at my acting skills. So did Zayn. And the lady bought it.
She picked up the phone and dialed what I guess was the paramedics. Because as soon as she put down the phone, they came rushing in. They put me on a streacher, and started to take me away. I looked around for Zayn. I didn’t like him, heck I HATED him, but I hated hospitals. I didn’t want to go into that room alone!
“Zayn” I whispered, and he looked up. ‘What?’ he mouthed. “Come with me,” I asked him. And then, once again, all I saw was darkness.
Zayn’s POV
She asked for me. She asked for me! This has gone better than I thought it would. Maybe she did have feeling for me. Right now, she didn’t look to good. She had about 20 wires coming out of her right now, and she had an oxygen mask on. She had passed out again. I bet she would be surprised when she saw me sitting next to her. I’d been here for 5 hours. I hadn’t moved. At all.
All of a sudden, my phone went off, with Justin Bieber’s “Baby”. Niall was calling me.
“Hey, Ni, what’s up?” I asked him
“When the fuck are you, bastard? Uncle Simon is freaking out!” Niall screamed. Ah, hell. I forgot we had a meeting today.
“Hey look Niall, I can’t come. Tell uncle si, I’m really sorry.” Sarah eyes started fluttering. “I’ll explain later. Gotta go. Bye!!” I hung up.
Time to talk to Sarah.

Let Me Love You - One Direction
FanfictionZayn isn't the type of boy to hold a secret. But right now, he is keeping one captive in his basement. Sarah isn't the type of girl who does bad things. She's a normal 15 year old girl. But that all changes one night. What happens when someone fall...