1 | Prologue

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On 28 September 2038, human starts to find a weird phenomenon far outside the galaxy, scientists have found a way that leads into a new galaxy in just a few months.

17 January 2039, One of the biggest news on earth. Scientists have discovered many, too many planets that have the same composition as Earth. Oxygen, water, food, nature, and probably a sign of life.

15 July 2039, All the world's governments decided to make one big project that purposely will "Save" mankind.

"Genesus 17" is the biggest project, the biggest thing that humanity will ever make in entire history. Genesus 17 is a massive spaceship designed to carry up every selected human being around the world.

26 March 2041.
Genesus 17 was tested hundreds of times before being deployed.

27 February 2042.
The biggest era, the biggest thing that human has achieved, Genesus 17 was launched with millions of humans inside. Waiting for their new home.

Not every human was selected, few of them are left on Earth. family, and friends, there is no such reason to bring them in if they are not selected.

But, a few of the humans that were selected decided to stay. They give it to another person. They think that it is wrong to leave the Earth. The planet that protects them. And gave them life.

All the humans that are left on earth have one big title. One big name for them.


"Neonesis the keepers"


March 13, 2089.

A Boy was sleeping on the abandoned train's seat, weakly shivering in the cold with his shabby clothes, he was trembling in hunger while still sleeping.

"Hey.... ? Hey! Hey! Wake up! What are you doing in here?"

He can feel someone shaking his cold body, he slowly opens his eyes.
After a few blurry images, he slowly recognizes a woman that shakes his body

"Hey kid, what are you doing in here?! This is dangerous! Hey!"

The woman slowly puts her hand on the boy's forehead. She was shocked at how cold he is.

"Oh, God! You are freezing cold! Oh no.."

Without thinking anymore she carried his little body with care and worried face.
She runs out of the long-abandoned train station with the little boy in her arms.

"Hang on, kid!"

She shouts in worry while running fast with him in her arms, he can't barely see everything that happens, But he keeps holding onto her tightly.
He slowly closes his eyes weakly and faints on her arms.

A few hours passed, and he slowly gained consciousness back and opens his eyes.
He weakly looked at the surroundings before stopping at the woman's eyes

"Wh-where am I......? Who... Are you....? "

He trembles while trying to remember what is happening before.


"You are at my place now. Here, eat this bread, kid."

He gasps and quickly grabs the bread in her hand, He swiftly and savagely devoured it with gusto. The woman was shocked to death while watching him eating the bread crazily.

"Slowdown. You can choke easily if you eat that fast."

Says her in a worried and surprised tone.
But, He didn't listen and finished the bread with just a few blinks in her eyes.
After eating the bread, he suddenly hugs her tightly without saying any words

"Eh?! Eh... Ehm."

She gasps before slowly and awkwardly hugging him back. A few seconds later she pushes him gently and stares at his eyes seriously.

"Now that you eat already, you need to tell me your name. And who you are."



"What is your name?" Asks her softly to him

He looks into her eyes with a confused mind.


"I don't... I don't know. I-i don't remember anything...."


"Who are you...? Why are you saving me?"

he stares into her eyes weakly while breathing heavily.

"I'm Galy Abraham. Just call me Galy. But, you don't remember anything? Are you joking with me?"



"I don't remember anything."
"I don't remember my name nor is my past... I don't know what's wrong... Please... "


Galy stares into the boy's eyes for a few seconds with confusion and a worried face.

"You don't know....?"

Neonesis 2090
Long story short by N10.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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