Chapter Twenty Three

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Hogwarts didn't feel like home anymore, it was cold and dark. Beautiful magic once filled the space, students laughter echoing from each corner of the rooms, it was warm and full of life. Pansy could feel her tears falling freely as Theo held onto her tightly. Hogwarts was no longer safe place to stay. It felt like a shadowy concentration camp that was now surrounded by Dementors. Snape the new Headmaster stands in the top of the Quad watching the students left being marched through the entrance courtyard. It was heartbreaking to watch the world the Slytherin group once knew and loved become a dark nightmare. Enzo was terrified that this would be life as they know it, if Emma and Harry fail to beat the Dark Lord.

Fleur spent most the evening after Dobby's funeral tending to Emma's wounds both physical and mental. The damage Bellatrix inflicted on her was almost too difficult to comprehend. Matteo hovered causing Fleur to curse at him in French. She was pleasantly shocked when he spoke back to her in her native tongue. "Emma picked a good man." she smiles, still concentrating on healing Emma. Matteo's chest tighten at her words. "I wouldn't say that..." he mumbles causing Fleur to raise a questioning eyebrow at the curly haired boy. "She's....she's laying here because of me." his answer surprised her. "Matteo, this is not your fault." her accent thick. He shakes his head not believing Fleur, while taking the seat next to an unconscious Emma. "Loving's going to kill her. They know now. They know that I would do anything to protect her. They will kill her to hurt me, to break me." the room stays silent at his words. Bill walks slowly in over hearing their conversation. "Don't let them win." he pauses kissing the top of Fleur's head before returning to look at Matteo. "You are not your father. I've seen the way you protect her, the way you love her. You Matteo are not your father. Let your love for her break away any fear or doubt. Let that love be the force that protects her." Matteo nods at Bill's words letting it sink into him. Once Fleur was finished mending Emma as much as she could, Matteo carried her to their room for the night. Sleep over came him faster than he expected.

Emma woke with a panic, Matteo jumped up his wand ready as he searched the room. His sleep tonight was anything but peaceful, her screams echoing in his mind. When he realizes their room was empty of any threat, he sits back down next to Emma. His arms wrapping around her, it wasn't long before Harry barges into their room. "He found it" Emma's voice was quiet. Matteo looks between the twins, their faces were paled and filled with worry. "Who found what?" Matteo questioned them. Emma's light green eyes finding his in the dark room. "Your father....he has the elder wand." he felt the dread fill his stomach.

The next morning Matteo and Emma woke to the sound of waves crashing to the shore through their window. It was comforting to listen to. "This place is beautiful" her voice feeling Matteo's body with warmth. "Not as beautiful as you." he whispers, kissing her forehead. "Matteo, you know it wasn't your fault. What happened to me." her words piercing his heart, tears start to fall from his cheeks. She turns to wipe them away her eyes searching his face. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you." his voice cracking with emotion. "The snatchers would have gotten me whether you were with me or not. This isn't your fault Matty. You saved me." she tried to comfort him but he was a mess of guilt. "I felt so helpless watching my mother hold a knife to your neck. Her cruelness knows no bounds, she could have easily slit your throat without blinking. I was terrified. Terrified that I was going to watch you die right in front of me. I won't........won't survive loosing you. It felt like something broke inside me yesterday." he buries himself in Emma's neck needed to feel her, touch her to make sure she was truly there with him, alive. "I love you" she whispers kissing his forehead. Her chest felt heavy listening to him, the grief and guilt that was eating away at her boyfriend. She didn't know how to convince him that it wasn't his fault. How she could convince him that she was going to be okay, even though she couldn't promise that.

They laid there together silently just holding on to one another like they were each others anchors. The sun was already starting to set before they realized they spent all day just holding one another. Matteo leans away his brown eyes finding those beautiful haunting green eyes. "Marry me." he pauses letting the words float in the air around them. "Marry me Emma Potter." his heart was pounding, silently begging that she doesn't turn him down again. He wouldn't be able to handle another rejected marriage proposal, his emotions were fragile. The first time in Matteo Riddle's life he was completely vulnerable. The corners of her lips tilt into a smile "yes" her voice was strong and confident. Emma wasn't sure about their outcome in this war, the only thing she was sure about was her love for Matteo. She wanted a future with him, she wanted to marry him whether it was today, a month from now or a year from now. Matteo was her future and that was the only certainty she had.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now