Chapter 1

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I look out the window past my blush pink curtains and see my friend Lilly getting out of her moms black Toyota car. She is back from summer camp! I have a huge smile on my face and run down the stairs into the kitchen where mom is sitting.
"Hey Mom? Can I go to Lilly's house?"
My mom looks at me peaking underneath her cup of a black tea.
"That's fine, but don't forget to take the garbage out before you head over to Lilly's."
I nod. Grab the black bag of garbage and head outside. I throw it away then head down my driveway before I cross the street.
Lilly isn't outside anymore, so that means I will have to knock on her door.
*Knock knock*
My knuckles hitting her hard navy blue door. Lilly's Mother opens the door.
"Hello Charlotte." Her mom says with a warm smile.
"Hey Miss Roberts is it okay if Lilly comes out and plays?"
Miss Roberts smiles and calls out for Lilly. Lilly walks down the stairs looking towards the front door where I am standing. She doesn't smile like how she normally does. My stomach automatically started getting butterflies as if I have done something wrong.
"Have I done something wrong?"
I smile at her and wave. Is she mad that I couldn't afford to go to summer camp with her?
She gives her Mom a weak smile then squeezes past her to the front door. She takes my hand leading me out behind her. We start heading down the street to the nearest park. Pine Cones Park. We grow up in this neighborhood together and always went to this park since we were kids, we would swing on the grey swings, play on the fake green mountains, and hide and the trees near the park. It was always fun memories. When we turned Eleven they added a little water area full of different types of sprinklers. The children younger then us would use that area all summer, and when they left Lilly and I would go play in those sprinklers and Splash around until the street lights came on.

        I look down at her hand that is holding onto mine. It is clammy, and her nails are dirty. I don't know if she is angry at me. She isn't squeezing me. When we make it to the park we sit down under a tree for some shade.
The walk here was completely silent, but she never let go of my hand until we sat down. I break the silents and ask.
"Lilly.. Are you okay?
What I really wanted to ask was,
"Are you mad at me? What did I do wrong?"
Lilly looks down at her hands. Her long dirty blonde hair follows her head falling in front of her face veiling her.
"Lilly?" I ask again more concerning. I feel my eyebrows move close together.
She has never been this quiet since I have been her friend. She has always been outgoing, loud and fearless, but in this moment she looks fragile, innocence, and sad. I feel awful just staring at her. I don't know what to do..
Lilly looks up at me with her big blue eyes filling up with water, her face starting to turn pink, her pouting bottom lip quivering.
"I am just upset.." Lilly finally responds with a shaking voice.
"Why are you upset?" I lean closer to show that I care like how my mom does when I share something important to her.
"I saw something bad Charlotte. Something really bad.. I thought I would feel better after coming home, but I don't I feel guilty for not saying anything. I feel like the guilt is eating me alive."
I frown; because, I feel bad. I put my hand on her hand and I ask,
"What happened at Summer Camp?"
Lilly swallows hard, and holds my hand back little tighter as if she needs to hang on tight like she is going to fall.
"I heard screaming in the woods, so I went out there at night with my flashlight I was trying to go towards the sound so I could see who it was. When I got closer I saw blood on the brushes next to the solo swing hanging from the tree. On the swing there was blood on the seat as well, I panicked and ran away."
My eyes widen. I swallow hard myself.
"Are you going to tell your mom what you seen?"
"Do you think she will be mad at me for not saying anything? She looks at me and her eyes begin to water again.
"No, I think she would be worried for you if you don't" I say reassuring Lilly.
We get up from under the tree and I give her a big hug. I am just happy Lilly is safe. I don't know where that blood must have came from, but at least it wasn't hers. She's back home, and that is all the matters to me.
        We walk back to her house to tell her mom everything she told me. That night her Mom made a call to the summer camp Lilly stayed at. Telling them everything that Lilly had told me.

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